She Isn't A Dead Horse Yet

Day 1,025, 13:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Dubhthaigh

What's this, you say? A positive article from Dubhthaigh without strings attached? No rambling political comment, crazy proposals or self-agrandising propaganda? O tempora, O mores! Quid facere debemus? The times we live in, eh? .................. Anywho, on to business.

Ireland has had a bit of a rough time recently. If she were a woman she'd be pregnant, addicted to crack and failing her PHD in Physics. That is to say, we have great potential, but for some reason seem determined to press the 'self-destruct' button and pop out huge blobs of **** every few months.

Picture relate😛 This could be Ireland in a few months time.

We know the future can be bright - we could graduate with honours, have our ground-breaking paper ignored in a predominantly masculine-dominated environment, and then marry that nice young man (with the nervous hands) that we met in college. (Ie, get a hold of ourselves, move on, try being independent-ish a bit longer and then join Eden). Or.... We could continue sniffing the sherbet, spreading our legs and hoping that next month we might be able to afford condoms... Or maybe even tampons!

Although some people think Ireland needs to lose a bit more weight, personally, I have had enough of the crack-cocaine diet.

To those who feel they have to be the hero and take 'radical action:' Stop stealing and destroying state assets. Stop being immature and feeding your own narcissism. Stop trying to speak for the whole country. Try being consistently productive - change comes over time.

To those who think Ireland is over the brink: Have hope - we have many bright souls left to keep our course from wavering. Start your own community projects - contribute ot the library, help out newbs. Try and cheer up others. Hell i'm not funny but i'm giving it a go.

In all: We need to fasten the seatbelts, grit our teeth and put our heads together for the communal good. I don't care if you are a rightie or a leftie (never have tbh), we just have to dust our suit off, straighten our tie, comb our hair and go for the big time.

Do your bit. Dubhthaigh