Shawtyl0w for CP - The goals

Day 2,991, 09:11 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

I would like to present to you, my goals!

It is my believe that communication is one of the ways that keeps this game interesting. Most of the eRepublik players want to know what’s going on in their country and what decisions are made by its government. I’ve set communication goals for every individual ministry. They will publish informative, educative and summarizing articles during my term as CP.

- Private media
Several months ago the idea of a media competition has been proposed on our forum. I'd like to start it up! Specifics will be communicated by my MoHA.

Other than the articles you are used to there was a time when the government published mid-term reports and end of the month reports. We’ve seen many politicians leave our country or leave the game completely. The last person to publish these type of articles was NoTie112 in his term as CP. Transparency is a goal which effects all of you. I would like to open this government up to the public, not only the players active on our forum reading post in the public/congress section. Our soldiers will also be made aware of decisions through means of government articles. If these articles trigger you and you believe you should comment and share your opinion great! Maybe you should consider to experience the political module as well as the war module.

Political involvement following transparency
As I believe transparency will help this country it will certainly also create conflict, the opposition will not always agree on decisions made by the government. Of course this is logical and I intend to invite the opposition to a debate (probably 15 – 17 Feb). I believe that a CP just like a good leader should listen to others, consider their input and based on all of this form his opinion. In other words, do you see something going terribly wrong? Speak up! You’ll be heard and your input considered.

I've always support us joining the Orion alliance and will continue the path created by my predecessors. We will continue to show support to our allies and strengthen our relationships.

To be honest I was hoping that the war we had against eUK would last longer. The two campaigns we as soldiers enjoyed are nothing compared to long lasting campaigns we had in the past. Sadly, we lost our first battle during the night time while going to bed with a 90-77 lead (4 more points required). However, this should have saved a lot of cc and gold which can be used to sign MPPs and support our allied nations. The financial status of our country is known to be a problem. Before we can act my MoF will have to present me with the budget for the term. As a soldier I would like to start a new campaign within my term, however this campaign has to be financial viable or beneficial for our country and allies. My MoFA and MoD team will continuously look for war opportunities.

DAF rules and regulations
I’ve asked several respected and several players with experience in both politics and war to join me in a brainstorm session regarding DAF. As most of you know the Dutch national MU has been going through some hard times. In order to improve we will set new rules and regulations with regards to the appointment of a MU commander, the power to change the MU structure and the political influence on DAF. Please don’t confuse this with direct action. This term I seek to set out the foundation upon which we can build something practical in the long-term.

- Military council
During my term as CP I’ll establish a military council. This council will consist of several soldiers within the MU. Specifics are yet to be discussed during the brainstorm sessions if I win the elections. The goal of the Military council is to give the solders a voice. They will act as so called ‘congress members’ of the MU.

- Private MU’s
Other than the state MU DAF we have several private MU’s. In the past few months there have been good and bad examples with regards to communications between government and MU commanders. Although we can’t order them what to do we can advise them where to fight and where not to. There is also a possibility that the MU commanders of private MU’s play a role in the military council as mentioned above.

When I become your CP be prepared for a communicative month!

Coming up,

- The goals (28-01)
- The team (31-01)
- Home coming speech! (04-02)

Signed by,
