Shanghai and Congress

Day 484, 17:36 Published in China China by Zhou San

First off, congratulations to our Shanghai brothers and the men and women who traveled to fight beside them. We welcome you back to eChina after many months and also offer the mercenaries citizenship. Since the liberation over 100 people have left. My educated guess is that 50 will stay but I hope that the 72 remaining will.

As everyone knows congressional elections are around the corner and we desperately need to refill our people's congress.

At the moment we have:
Anhui - 10 candidates
Henan - 8 candidates
(EDIT)Shanghai - 5 candidates

With 3 regions we are allowed 30 congressmen of which 9 are from each province and 3 are wild cards. So as of now, everyone would be acclaimed.

I am calling on the new Shanghai citizens of eChina to throw your hat into the race and be seated with your peers. What we want are candidates who are planning to stay in eShanghai. What we don't want is 6 or 7 people who want the medal and then move away like last election. I myself will probably move out of Anhui to Shanghai or to Henan (hehe until Hunan is free) to ensure better representation. But, of course, I would prefer people who have been living in eShanghai for months to be the representatives.

So don't waste time, sign up today. And welcome back to eChina
