Shameless Promotion of Military Unit + Bonus Poem!

Day 3,300, 15:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ronald Kray
Hey there people of the wilderness!

(I think I am running out of creative ways to greet you all, oh well)

Now this article today is about the extremely basic and totally shameless promotion of the military unit I am very proud to be a part of, and that unit is called Every Single Fighter, or ESF for short. Now I didn't wanna just make an article like this and have it be nothing like my other articles, that's why I am gonna include an extra poem at the end of this article and still write a poetry article for Sunday. With that in mind, let me tell you about ESF...

The ESF is at the time of writing a very active 15-man military unit led by my etwin Reggy as well as a few others who I don't care about enough to mention I am very sure will make themselves known in the comments.

Now despite being a smaller military unit then most, we have alot to offer our recruits, which includes:

1. The regular offering of supplies to the troops so they can fight the daily orders without it being too much of an expense to themselves and to bribe you into sticking around incentivise your participation.

2. Opportunities to develop yourself within the military unit, for as we get bigger more roles will be available for recruits, which means more incentives.

3. Exclusive competitions within the military unit that will get you active and participating in big chances for big rewards!

4. Extra supplies for when you are called up to fight for the eUK, so that you don't miss the chance to fight for your country and get that true patriot medal.

5. We are also giving Christmas presents to all the good boys and girls in our military unit (yep, even the ones who have just joined up).

So with all that in mind I hope you will consider joining up with the ESF. Now for that bonus poem I promised you. As you struggle with the decision to join ESF or not, you can read this poem about struggling with one's self. It is about the struggle of the spirit, of motivation, the internal struggle everyone faces from time to time, I hope you find it relatable.

The Lifelong Struggle

Some battles are fraught
with absolute violence and gore.
Some battles are only fought
with wisdom and philosophy.

But the great war that occurs
with people against their own mind
can be the conflict with the least success,
and the highest mortality rate.

This metaphysical theatre of war
appears in multiple forms.
Whether one struggles with addiction,
or combats their own malice or greed,
one cannot simply quantify
the hardships of such engagements.

So when one's resistance is branded futile,
the best counterargument is thus:
"what makes their battle so much more valid?"
For any conflict bound in the confines of the mind
is of course, subjectively valid.

A simple opinion of the lifelong struggle
does not make it any less complicated,
nor any less affective to one's self.

Today's bonus musical feature is Sebdoom's cover of My Lover, from the Revenge Of Shinobi soundtrack. No particular reason, I just like the song.

So I hope you didn't mind the advertisement too much, I just felt like I should, I mean I still gave you some extra content so come on, credit where credits due right? I hope you will give us a vote, subscribe and leave a comment about how much you really wanna join the ESF (or how my selling out has put you off, whichever comes more naturally). Stay tuned for the regular scheduled poetry article on Sunday and until then, cheerio!