Shame on our Congress

Day 799, 03:05 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

Yesterday we had Congress Election and most of us voted on a candidate that we trust to show insight. As a reward these Congress Members normally get 5 gold and a nice medal but yesterday was different. Some Congress Members got up to 25 gold because of the generosity of the Admins (read bug).

So what to do with all that gold?

Well only ONE Congress Member donated some of his gold to the State. Just one!!!!

I am not saying that all Congress Members should give all of their gold but when you get 25 gold you can give at least 2 or 3 gold.

Our country cannot afford to keep signing MPPs so we all can fight everyday so we need donations from our citizens. Congress Members should be an example to the rest of us and NOT be so selfish and keep all of the gold you get.

I hope that all of you will now donate some gold to the DNB so we can keep fighting every day and keep growing as a country.