SFP housing program8

Day 4,026, 03:37 Published in USA Spain by iamsmok

Greeting comrades,
This is weekly report, of SFP housing program.

A total of money we had : 50 000cc

for 4650cc:
Luciver 22/11
Caricescovici 24/11
Alexandru Musaca 24/11
iamsmok 24/11
Patrilum 25/11
Ashtracer 25/11
EvGeniy FarEastern 26/11

for 4500cc:
Dimar Izzati 28/11

total money left : 50 000 - 37 050 = 12 950 cc

Houses for all!
Btw, we are discussing to change the way we distribute houses, since this program is very expensive. any new ideas, are welcome to be said in our RC.