Severin: The Return Article

Day 590, 06:01 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Well I finally got internet again and more importantly a settled real life. I cannot apologize enough for my abrupt absence. If I knew it was going to happen I would have forewarned people and would have stepped down but I had no idea nor control over events. There was a lot I wanted to do in June which I am saddened I missed (reorganize the IDF, improve upon an already great party and I had some ideas for Congress). I am fully aware of the damage my absence has done. The IDF was left without a leader (granted I am pretty sure and was told Grainne did a great job while I was gone and I thank her deeply for that), I didn't organize the IUP for Congress (something I always look forward to doing...) and the IUP has been left without a President bid. That said things can only get better, the damage can be fixed and I hope you accept me back into your e-lives again. The future is always bright. In the past I have spent hours upon days dedicating myself to roles in eIreland and have no intention of leaving this country nor diluting the amonth of time I spend here. I have received a lot of mails in the last few days and I will reply to as much as I can however if you pm for here on out (as in the past) I can guarantee a swift reply. Now onto some pressing issues:

Presidential Election
Due to the lateness of my return there is simply no time to go through the party looking for a candidate nor unfortunately, is there enough time for a party vote. In the interest of open democracy and giving people a choice I am putting Nithraldur forward once again. I have already spoken with Nith (no surprise he was online and available to talk) and he has giving me his consent. We are not going to campaign for obvious reasons and he shall run purely on the back of his previous mandates. I would urge people to look beyond the public outcry during this term as I have never come across someone as dedicated and knowledgeable as him in eRepublik. I will of course publish a more detailed article very soon.

Irish Union Party
I am very much disheartened by the fact I missed the bulk of my third term however there is still about 13 days left and I will get as much as I can done within that time frame. I can say with absolute certainty I will not be running for a fourth term as Party President and I already have an endorsement in mind for my successor. That said I will continue to work on behalf of the Irish Union Party and will remain a loyal and active member of the party.

To be perfectly honest I haven't been as active as I would have like be in Congress these last months and I am flattered I was voted in again (despite the fact my citizen was slowly dying). I will guarantee those votes will not be wasted and I will be more active on the forum and IRC. They are some proposals I had in mind last month and only time will tell if they are still applicable today. It seems that it is always the fresh faces who try to change things and make interesting manifestos while the better known 'oldies' take a back seat. In short, I promise to be accessible, accountable and active.

Thank you for your time,