Severin Has Left. We are Here to Stay.

Day 623, 01:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Fellow citizens of Ireland, you deserve an explanation, and you have the absolute right to know. An extraordinarily unfortunate development has occurred within the Irish Radical that took Grainne and I completely by surprise, as it will no doubt you.

I am very saddened to announce that the respected founder of IRP, experienced politician of this Isle, presidential candidate for the upcoming elections, and all-around great guy, Severin...

...Has passed away. For good.

Please allow me to explain.

I was very heavily involved a few weeks back in making preparations with Severin for the Congress elections, and had acted in his place during the 24th and 25th in securing the party's seats. We talked about the party often, about the elections, and about the potential for a new term under his administration, in which he assured I would make a place in Cabinet, having proven capability more than once. Things were looking bright, his candidacy was in good shape, and he was more active than ever.

Then, the unexpected occured. Roughly two days ago, I received a PM. He informed me of his resignation, gave me the keys to his organizations, promoted me to admin of the Party forums, and asked me to contact his friends and allies in Ireland, announcing his decision to appoint me as his successor, as Party President and candidate for the Country Presidency. RL had finally taken over.

Since then, I can tell you that Grainne and I have snapped into order, lost hours of sleep, and have been working very madly in an incredible situation that we both agree has been just as unforgivingly demanding as real-life would be. It has been a very tough while.

So to begin with...

There is one fact I would like to be made clear.

I will not be following up my Presidential candidacy.

Severin believed me competent, but I believe it premature. I will not, and cannot, expect the people of Ireland to trust a man who, however well regarded, found himself a last minute ticket to the elections. This is not about my career, it never has been.

I will instead be focusing solely upon the flourishing movement Severin has so firmly set in motion, the IRP. The loss of its leader warrants immediate attention, and with the assistance of Grainne and other distinguished members of the party, will be rectified promptly.

To Aran Tal and his ISRP team, as unavoidably unfortunate as it may be for us and a very large collection of Irish voters, you no longer face opposition from our party. If indeed you do succeed in achieving the administration, we will be here to support the active governance of our country as best as we can. Do not let us down. I will trust that I haven't laid aside my candidacy for naught.

To our supporters in IUP, IFP and Saoirse, it is the beginning of a prosperous time of close cooperation and a good degree of partnership that has grown from our sincere appreciation of your assistance. Although you have our deepest regret for the situation we find ourselves in, it has been far from vain. I would like to express my profound apology for the inconvenience, and will firmly guarantee the durability of the party's movements under my watchful guidance. I hope to personally be working more closely with all of you in the future.

To the members of IRP, be rest assured that the situation is in our hands and is firmly under control. You will be given more opportunities within our party than ever before, as our structure will be developed intricately to allow for your potential rise to leadership amongst the best and brightest in our community - no talent will be wasted here. You can each expect a personal message from me very shortly.

As we mourn the passing of one of eRepublik's great players, the raging flames of the future of IRP burns ever bright under leadership that will be strongly, steadfastly, passionately dedicated to the vision set forth by our extraordinary founder and dear friend, Severin.

The mission of IRP remains strong.
The men and women of this great endeavor will endure.
Our elders will press on.
New talent will be raised up.
Our chorus will continue to sound, our purpose unchanged.

Severin, you will be missed by many.

But we are here. And here we shall stay.


Lord Rhindon
Congressman of Dublin
Foreign Affairs UnderSecretary
Publisher of The Celtic Chronicle
Former Minister of Information
Aficionado of Fine Wines
IRP Successor