Setting up in eLatvia..........Minimum wage set to high eIreland

Day 506, 13:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by James Fallon

Famous Quote of the day........

“Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can’t help but cry. I mean I’d love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff.”

~ Mariah Carey

Welcome all readers,

Well my plans were to export oil and set up a moving ticket company over here....but until minimum wage drops,my best bet is to set up in eLatvia and see how things work out over there,as the wages are low indeed.I'll still export oil over to big enough profits can be made.Ive also seen the vote to try and bring it back down to 1IEP.....15/15....VERY close indeed,but i'am confident that this 3IEP will not last very long at all.It just seems like a very unstable topic to discuss and hold down for any length of time without people going against it........

Peace Out