Septembers Congress Running Speech.

Day 667, 16:05 Published in USA USA by Ksedin

I am Ksedin and I will be running for congress in Hawaii. I have been playing eRepublik for more than 2 month's already and i spent 1 term in congress already.

I would like to point out what I plan to get done if elected for congress:

Taxes: I believe that they should be lowered. Taxes help pay for the war effort but we need to lower them as much as possible. Huge taxes prevent people from starting new companies and increase the costs of goods.

Economy: We should try to build a strong economy. Q1 food shouldn't cost more than Minimal wage. We will have the ability to have resources when we need it and also to help any new people find a job.

Social Projects & Education: We should Fund our social projects especially our Flying Squadron , Welcoming committee and Meals on Wheels programs. We also should open up our eUniversity again and do our best to educate more people in eRepublik business and politics.

Foreign Affairs: I think we need to support our current alliances as much as possible and also try and gain a few more allies along the way. We should use any chance we have to get neutral countries to join us.

War: We all should do our best to stop this endless war as soon as possible.

Infrastructure: I don't think that we should wait for war to finish before creating our 2nd fortress state in California. We should protect our land and after the war will be over we will need to place more Q2,Q3,Q4 & Q5 hospitals in our Country to help new players.

Last but certainly not the least is Citizens. I hope all loyal eUSA citizens will move back to our territories, because this will help us to revive our economy. As your congressman I will listen to the people. You can message all your concerns to me and i will try to reply to everyone as fast as possible.