Separatists' Conspiracy Will Never Succeed

Day 654, 01:06 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

The Theocrats, this rogue organization responsible for the current resistance war in Korea, have been busy spreading lies about the war. They attempt to distort the facts by a mass of falsified articles, fake order messages and general creation of misinformation. I, Reiji Mitsurugi, your elected representative of Gangwon-do, your appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, and your Speaker of Congress, am here to expose the lies.

They try to present themselves as authority figures. Using the flag of Japan and the Republic of Korea to lend some legitimacy to their articles. It will not work. Their names are unfamiliar. Their style of speech is strange. They are foreigners, here to disrupt our Harmonious Society. They seek only to create chaos. They seek only to benefit themselves. They care not for Korea or Japan. They only seek their own fortune.

For now, the Republic of Korea must remain a protectorate of the Great Japanese Empire. Only once we are free of this Theocrat threat can Korea be truly independent. Until such time, it is an unalienable part of Japan. “Theocratic Korea” is a fabrication, made up to advocate this separatism. Lies can never conquer the truth. The separatists' conspiracy will never succeed because they cannot deceive the public with conscious minds.

For our nation, for our Emperor, fight green. Decimate the separatists. Destroy the traitors.
