
Day 1,182, 11:08 Published in USA USA by Blank Keating

Since I recently have been given an injection of subs thanks to Porter (who is p boss), I felt obligated to write something. The only thing I could think of going on in the states is this lovely Military v. Non-Military shootout, so I thought I’d vent a bit about it. What bothers me about this ordeal is the people saying the dissent is weakening the country and ruining the game. As such, I will address military personnel directly on their own level. So, sit down and listen up:

Oh relax, I’m not going to be that mean.

It’s ok, military. I understand. You probably joined back in WW3 and said hell yeah I’ll defend my country, or found this site on your own volition searching for some kind of Hello Kitty Island Adventure. It’s all good. I have some bad news for you though, you signed up for a political simulator. Yep, that’s right, political. I know, I know, you thought it was all military, but since some dudes with huge balls and huge credit limits have relatively become the sole damage dealers in the world, politics are a little more important again.

Politics is not this.

Politics isn’t meant to be friendly. It’s not in the political dictionary, especially not in the US and definitely not on the internet. Most of you probably joined the eUS forums for like, 5 minutes, looked at X D Randum and then ran away screaming. I can’t completely blame you for that. You joined the military because it was a delightfully cushy, sheltered, esoteric society compared to the rest of the US. It’s all good bro, that’s your choice. There’s just one problem:

You need to show some judgment.

You can’t go run away crying every time someone criticizes you. Remove your prejudices and go to Dimension’s firestorm starting article again as a neutral reader. You’ll see it’s almost completely constructive criticism. For those of you lacking a dictionary, constructive is the opposite of inflammatory, or trolling. Trolling is when internet people are mean. It happens behind your back all the time.

Firing back is good, but I’m going to use it as an example for a minute.

In a spout of rage (main export of the US), Jankems went onto the forums and copied all of the threads targeting the military and replaced “military” with “politics”. Even though this was meant to prove how hard the military had it, having to answer questions about their existence and other similar slave labors, most of his threads were answered relatively quickly, even when they didn’t make sense. How does this relate you ask? Well, since you guys want to compare politics and military so bad, I thought I’d present you with an inconvenient truth. Politicians are treated like crap. Some are worse than others, it depends on how many enemies you make. Politicians have their ideas scoffed at, their positions taken away, and if it’s bad enough, insulted directly and personally. Military personnel are almost completely immune to it (setting aside some of the highest officers and the JCS) because of their copious amounts of ePatriotism, clicking buttons for us in the eDesert for freedom. That doesn’t mean you’re immune to the game entirely.

I’ll give you a chain of comman😛 POTUS = Commander In Chief

What does this all build up to? This: the military has been spoiled by the “separate but equal” deal we give them. They have separate forums, they keep the precious DoD orders ridiculously close (spoiler alert: no one from the actual DoD has access), and they hardly ever have to deal with congress: it’s a guaranteed s***storm if you dare lower their funding even 1%, so most people don’t even bother trying. All of this for several months makes a group think they’re invincible, and accountability wise, they pretty much are. You want my opinion? It's time for the executive to end it. They should know they’ve given too much leeway when the elected president of the United States “can’t be trusted” to update a damn newspaper.

As for the officers of the military, beginning to quit en masse: stop saying we’re ruining your game and quitting. It’s ridiculous. Us “civilians” are allowed to express our opinion too. Dim’s article could’ve been a lot meaner, and at this point, I'd say it should've been. When politicians get screwed, they get over it or they get even. If you don’t like what’s being said, fight back. I'm not talking about complaining about how us people are horrible ingrates and unplugging your internet, I'm talking actual arguing, with facts and logic, or just be witty and snarky if you're up for it. Jankems and this guy can do it, so can you. In other words: PLAY. THE. GAME.

I can hear myself being blacklisted already,

Disclaimer: These aren't the views of ST6, the DoE, the Executive Branch, the U.S. Government, or your mother. Then again, that goes for pretty much everything I publish here.