Senseless Desensitized Senses…

Day 840, 15:17 Published in USA USA by Talvari

I have received so many compliments on my first article and have had so many people subscribe to my paper. I was very pleased with how it turned out and am glad that it was so well received by the majority of the eRepublik community. First article...

I am also disappointed with the amount of comments that sited me as being the problem. I am only getting harassed because I am a female, and I stay true to who I am. Well…

If you are someone who understands what a problem trolling is, or if you understand that a troll is someone who will attack anyone and everyone reguardless of their age, sex, or race, then by all means ignore this article.

However… If you are one of those people that told me I should lie about being a female, or that I should keep entirely to myself and not talk about my life to people I consider friends... If you are one of those people that think that only females are capable of being trolled… Of if you are one of those people that think only us whiny eAmericans deal with being harassed… Read on.

I went on to the eRepublik chats to conduct a very simple survey on harassment. The following “interviews” are from people of different ages and from different countries. Most answers were pretty basic and I shortened them in order to fit this article. However, if the answer has quotes around it, I quoted that person directly.

Citizen: ViperexBenz
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Country: Turkey
How often in eRep chats: Around 8 hours a week
Have you ever been directly harassed: Yes
What was said: Racist remarks, Sexual Innuendos

Citizen: SirNicholas
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Country: United States
How often in eRep chats: Around 20 hours a week
Have you ever been harassed directly: Yes
What was said: “He attacked me on a personal level based on my 1) Sexual orientation 2)Sexual innuendos. Even after he was asked to stop, repeatedly, he still continued.”

Citizen: Gildorg
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Country: United States of America
How often in eRep chats: Around 20
Have you ever been directly harassed: “Numerous times.”
What was said: “I was personally attacked. I had the Troll accuse me of being her Ex-Husband and that we had kids together that I had abandoned. That brought a large group of Serbians and Bulgarians in the Chat Room all insulting me in their various languages.

Citizen: Cody Fowler
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Country: United States
How often in eRep chats: Around 12 hours a week
Have you ever been directly harassed: No
Would you say that “trolls” attack everyone and anyone solely to cause problems? Yes

Citizen: Johannes von Hohenbuerg
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Country: Ge rmany
How often in eRep chats: Around two hours a week
Have you ever been harassed: Frequently
What was said: (Racist comments)”That I'm a nazi, etc”

Each person above is from a different walk of life, a different state, sometimes a different country, a different age, and each one has given either their opinions or their experiences with harassment in the world of eRepublik.

I want to convey my gratitude to my readers. Thank you for putting up with this article, which is more of a rant than anything.

I also want to express my thanks to those that I interview.
ViperexBenz, SirNicholas, Gildorg, Cody Fowler, Johannes von Hohenbuerg, You allowed me to take up your time and allowed me to articulate your views to the eRepublik community. Without you, this article would not have been.