Senior Journalist 3/3

Day 4,099, 01:56 Published in Albania India by Optimus Prime Alb
Ky eshte artikulli im i katert, ne ndjekje te misionit senior journalist 2.
Sot kam analizuar se si training, per lojtaret e rinj , mund te perdoret si investim dhe jo si rritje fuqie. Une personalisht po investoj ne air atack, duke perdorur houses, se shpejti edhe energy centers. Por mbi te gjitha duke qene aktiv ne sulme ajrore.
Nese training center e shohim si investim une do te sugjeroja... NGRIJENI free TRAINIG LVL 4 DHE ASNJE TJETER! Nga llogarite e bera free training lvl4 te sjell 13.08 gold/muaj , me nje kosto 93.5 gold. Kjo kosto kompesohet per dicka me shume se 7 muaj. nje menyre ne pamje te pare me e mire do te ishte free training lvl 4dhe climbin center lvl 4, e cila te sjell 13.38 gold per muaj. Por kostoja shtese (93.5gold ) nuk e justifikon te ardhuren shtese (0.3gold) sespse do te duheshim rreth 26 vjet per tu mbuluar. Per kete arsye sugjeroj te ngrini weights room lvl 4 investoni ne house dhe energy center.
Ky artikull u krijua ne plan te pare per te plotesuar misionin kesht qe nga ju kerkoj v+s + koment , edhe nese keni mundesi me dhuroni food, sepse air atack kerkon shume nga ai. o7

Hello my fellow friends. Thats my fourth article , and i need to complete senior journalist 2 mission. So if u dont mind, drop a comment below.
Today im writting about a way of investment for new players, like me so u can have more money to develop in air atacks. There is two profitable ways upgrading training centers.
First one (that i suggest) is that u should upgrade only weights room to q4. Profit is 13.08 gold/month and the cost is 93.5 gold. So u will begin to profit from your investment in a little bit more than 7 month
Second one is to upgrade weights room and climbing center to q4.
Profit is 13.38 gold/month and total cost is 187 gold. So u will begin to profit from your investment in a little bit less than 14 month.
For me the seccond way dosent worth it, becouse for an extra 0.3 gold profit u will have an extra 93.5 gold of investment. (this extra investment will retur by itself in more than 26 years! ).
For that reason i suggest to upgrade weights roonm to q4 and than to invest in houses, energy centers and time. The most important thing is to be active.
That being said, i need yor help with v+s + comment and if u have some extra food, feel free to donate me .
Best regards.