Send in the Dogs, LR Got Away!

Day 918, 06:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Well its great to be outta that customs office, I tell ya. Bye bye red tape, the inspections, the metal detectors, the bomb squads...that screeching blonde woman (god, she was hard on the ear)....


Honestly, Mr Hook, you needn't have made it that difficult. I really didn't want to have to pull the strings. I don't know much about you…but I'll admit you seem a watchful enough sentry at the gate, its your I'll probably spare you the hard feelings...

But trust me, I'll try my best not to smuggle weapons, hire refugees, hold up Banc Ceannais, burn down the Dáil Éireann or become any sort of tyrannical dictator. I promise.

And Nogin dear, if you're reading, I'd like to direct your attention here.

To my friends and the rest, I intend to settle down, write regularly, contribute to the community wherever I will…might dabble in a bit of armchair politics - nothing big, or grand, or anything typically…well…me. 😁


~ LR

Politician of Old, British Isles and Ireland.