Senator Discrate1 ANP Tasmania - The voice of logic.

Day 915, 21:50 Published in Australia Australia by discrate1

Dear fellow Patriots.

I am writing to you today to let you know that i am, once again, running for senate in Tasmania. I have been representing eAustralians and in-particular, eTasmanians for the last 2 months as senator. This has been a great privileged and honored and i would love to continue working hard for you all.

For the past 2 months, i have been fighting for your rights and fighting for accountability, transparency and reform in our whole political system. To continue doing this, i need your support.

The following 3 points is what i will be running with.

1. - Political System reform
Over the past 2 months, i have been proposing and supporting numerous amendments to laws in eAustralia. The one i am most proud of is my amendment to the senate protocol which requires that each government department that receives government funding MUST provide a report to the senateon their department 1 week before the next CP election. This brief report must contain 1. How much money they received. 2. What the money was spent on. 3. What was the outcome of this spending. There was alot of opposition to this amend (from the Cabinet PE's (Political Elites) ) who obviously don't want to report anything they are doing, so they can get away clean with making mistake and wasteful spending. This amend that i brought forward brings accountability and transparency to the cabinet which usually operates behind closed doors.

If relected, i will continue to make these kinds of amendments to our whole political system.

2. - Political Elites a.k.a The Fat Cats.

I am sure most of you have noticed this already (there has been numerous articles by various people on it.) There is a culture within eAustralia where only a select few of the same people are put into cabinet each month. They are called Political Elites a.k.a The Fat Cats. These same people get put into cabinet each month regardless of weather they are senators or not, and this has been going on for months on end. The reason they give for this is "they are good at their job" or "why change them when they are doing a good job?" Some of these people have been in a position for 7 months straight. The real truth behind it all is that they want to stay in power, they want to control eAus and they honestly believe that there is no one else capable of running the country other then themselfs. I along with many others want to change this, as this is not right. We should be having new people in cabinet each month. One thing i am thinking of is to introduce an amendment to the senate where it only allows senators to be put into cabinet. This would allow the average citizen to have control on who is in the cabinet. For example, if joe citizens has been in the cabinet for 5 months straight, all the citizens would have to do is make sure he does not get elected as a senator. Hopefully this will fix the problem.

If relected, i will propose this amend to the senate.

3. - Protecting Australians.

As an Australian Senator, i support the Australian people, Australian Jobs and Australian businesses. Unfortunately there is many senators who do not. Right now there is alot of senators who are trying to destroy the Australian manufacturing industry by lowering import taxes. They claim it's to lower prices on things for us, this is infact not true. The real reason is so that Australian businesses go broke and shut down so the workers will move to land jobs. They do not care, whatsoever, that Australian business owners will lose money/gold. all they care about is the government coffers getting more money.

As an Australian Senator, i will do everything my power to stop this happening.

Do the right things for eAustralia, elect me for another term as senator.

ANP Senate Candidate for Tasmania.