Senate candidates of the MBP

Day 1,100, 12:18 Published in Australia Australia by Miss Wolf

More Beer Party members and all eAussies,

On November 25th eRepublik time the senate (congress) elections will be held. Similarly to previous months the More Beer Party has an all eAussie line-up with experienced senators and this time with some new faces. With these new guys we would like to bring fresh blood to the senate. We hope that with their new stand-points they will help us keep moving forward under the guidance of our political veterans.

Our senators did a good job this term, I’m very proud of them. I’m asking you to re-elect them and also give the new generation a chance to take part in the re-building of eAustralia.
Without further ado let me present you the More Beer Party’s candidates for the November senate elections:

New South Wales

hillbilly jim - A man who has the common sense that is very much needed in senate debates.

NoMan0013 - Our 3-time senator and resident Crimson Devil.

Northern Territory

Venja - An experienced senator and economic genious.
You can read his presentation here.

Cardwell Mena - New to politics, but eager to work for a better eAustralia.


Fizz Nelson - One of our hard working senators.

Scotitan - Also new to politics, but an active member of the eAustralian forum.
You can read his presentation here.

South Australia

KOLLHTOS - Our 2-time Greek senator.
You can read his presentation here.

ALVBEL - Running for re-election with a cool avatar. 😉


busynurse1510 - The More Beer Party’s busy bee, an 11-time senator.


Rincewind Waylander - Yet another fresh face ready to serve his eCountry.
You can read his presentation here.

Heals - Also new to politics, but already active on the eAus forum.
You can read his presentation here.

Two guys who think it’s time for them to try what being a senator is like:


and Mr. Crocodile

Our candidates would be honoured to represent you in the senate, so I encourage you to read their presentations, get onto the eAustralian forum or the MBP’s IRC channel (Server: Rizon, Channel: #MBP) and get to know them better.


Party president of the More Beer Party (13th term)
Ex-senator for New South Wales (2 terms)
Senator for Tasmania

The ACP and the AMP also have their candidates running under the banner of the MBP, so commies and AMP’ers you know where to find your senate candidates! 😉

Tyler96 from the ACP, Binda33 from the AMP are running in Queensland


Alesayr also from the ACP is running in South Australia