SEES is still better than you

Day 1,118, 17:57 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

In response to all SEES haters. Kinda like this guy who rumor has it got some sand in his vagina:

Emericka..We exist, we will continue to exist, and we will continue to dominate Emericka behind the curtains. SEES has survived more adversity than any other party in the game. We have survived assassination attempt after attempt, yet we are still a strong party. Every election, SEES candidates are targeted and sniped (even RainySunday) by milifags, FEC blockers, and butthurt fgts alike. Still we are alive. You even sent us Chickensguys! Yet we persevere. Our once party leaders, now labeled as traitorous scum for the corruption of DIOism and the blind following of the PIG DISGUSTING cat overlord, Josh Frost, tried to destroy the party. SEES lived on, and was purged of their filth.

You must understand something about SEES, Emericka... SEES is a way of life. It is commitment and subordination to those who know better than you. It is the advancement of Emericka under our guidance to make it truly great in the image of Emerick our glorious leader. We believe we are right. No, we know we are right. We believe it so strongly, we resisted the urge to join with DIO in Pakistan. We believe is so strongly we put up with the abundance of role playing, fgtry, and trolling that is demonstrated by Emerickans and directed towards SEES on a daily basis. We believe in SEES so strongly that there is nothing you can do to kill us. Election sniping, whatever who cares. Trolling, haha SEES sets the standard there. We believe in our party ideals so strongly that we will never quit until all of Emericka believes in it as well and submits to the iron fist of SEES. As long as there is an Emericka, there will always be SEES

And with that, I leave you with this:

Ok now back to obscurity. Peace o/