SEES is Great and so can you

Day 1,067, 14:04 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen
In the beginning there was beta. And then Emerick said; let there be SEES. And it was so.

SEES. Everyone has heard of us. Many dislike our tactics, many sympathize with our intentions. SEES has survived to this day because of the idea we represent. Many have tried to kill SEES, including its own elders, twice, but what they don't understand, is that SEES is bigger than they are. Yes. SEES exists, and will always exist to make America great, even if we have to grab it by the ankles, kicking and screaming, and rape it into submission. Frankly, this article isn't about what people think about SEES. This article is about why SEES is the best thing to happen to Emericka and why you should join.

A brief History of SEES
for you noobs out there

SEES was formed back in Beta by the one and only Emerick, as a militia and mercenary group. But like many mercenary groups and militia's of beta, they faded upon release of v1.

These were dark times for America. Role playing, milifaggery, and just plain douchiness ran rampant. Emerick, our glorious leader, was forced to flee to Nippon, in order to reestablish a beacon of non fgtry known as the Orange party.

Then all hell broke loose. Everyone is familiar of WWII. Basically Russia pwned the US. Emerick returned, became president, and said "hey fck you Russia" and pretty much saved the country. But, this article is about SEES, so I'll talk about how Emerick is better than all of you another time.

SEES was reborn by Krems, JP, and a group of elders. It was formed after Emerick's model, and in his name, after he quit the game because of personal issues. SEES was meant to be an extreme authoritarian party, where the goals were to make America great, no matter what the cost. Since then America has become a relatively tolerable place to live in, and efficient in game mechanics.
You're welcome America

Why you should join

1. SS Militia
The SS militia is our party's militia. It stands for Super Soldiers, not to be confused with the Nazi SS. We kinda like the name, anyway and don't plan on changing it anytime soon, so ef off. Anyways, the SS militia is one of the better military organizations out there. It is run by Wallingbottom, who is an all around cool guy and bro. The SS has been known to tip the scales of battles. For example SEES was instrumental is the fall of the UK in the Canadian British war a few months ago.

yeah we own like that

2. We have fun
Have you ever visited #SEES channel on IRC. Yeah. Get a group of college age intellectuals with a sense of humour together and it is bound to make for interesting conversation. The US military, as effective as they are, just reeks of stupidity and milifaggery. If you want to "play army" get a freakin xbox and play some COD already. I mean seriously there are logs out there of minutes and minutes of "o7, o7, o7, o7" I've been there, its pretty ridic. In SEES, we have fun. We have no strict rules or dishonourable discharges for petty things. You can tell Emerick to sck a dck and we'll just laugh at you. Many people around the eworld flock to SEES, because we are just awesome like that. For example Glados the ex PEACE guy. You're welcome America
We also have a few Brazilians, a Latvian, and a few brits no one cares about 😛 We are a pretty cool group of guys (and Rainysunday) and are generally pretty accepting, as long as you're not an idiot.

3. Zooey
Yes, SEES claimed her first. Ef off Feds

Judge for yourself but it looks like she enjoys a good SEES

4. Political Opportunities
SEES is famous for there ability to recognize good candidates. It doesn't matter what your history is, how long you have been playing this game, or how old you are. If you prove your superiority to us, we will run you, and you will probably be elected. If we can get Glados elected in the US, we can get you elected. SEES is very active in US politcs. We have influence over literally every aspect of the eUS government. Every US president since Piginzen has been a SEES candidate (Bradley is debatable)
Remember Krems? You're welcome America.

5. GF Day
If you haven't heard about GF day, you have been living under a rock, or are simply a noob. Basically on GF day, Glorious Failure, one of our glorious SEES leaders, and game mod decided to go beserk and give his mod powers to us SEESlings. What resulted was nothing short of epic. Notable moments include the banning of the admin, and articles in the notable countries daily orders. Once again, something awesome brought to you by SEES. You are welcome America.
Hmm. I'm beginning to sees a pattern here

6. Ideology
SEES is unlike any other party in this game in that we actively seek to dominate everything. We aren't one of those p*ssy parties like SFP that preach solidarity and respect to all countries. We will actively push world domination, using the USA as our host, and we will destroy any person, or country that gets in our way. For the sake of the common good, SEES will remove the cumbersome limitations of morality and ethics, which are not relevant in a game like this, and simply dominate. This is the purpose of the game, and SEES are not afraid of making enemies and cracking a few skulls to get what we want.
As a SEES collective, it is important that you will be required to put SEES above your own personal wants, but fear not, because what is good for SEES, will ultimately be good for you. SEES will use you as your potential allows it too.

7. Praise Dio
Everyday. Seriously.

Useful links
SEES forum

SS militia application form

Tl,dr version


join up fgts