Seeking UR Support.. Congress Manifesto S M Nair (Orrisa).

Day 548, 10:36 Published in India India by S M Nair

Dear Compatriots,

We have a vision for our nation, to build a Strong and Prosperous India. To realize that vision we all are working hard. If elected for Congress i believe that I will be able to help guide our hard work and dedication in the right direction.

Like many of us, I have lived under the tyranny of both Indonesians and Pakistan, and know how important it is to be sure that the government has our goodwill in its actions.

I do favor a much more aggressive stance (not out right wars) but depending up the situation, to include a few more high resource areas back into India. Especially concerned about our economy depending on other nations for high Q raw materials like food and relaying on wars to help our wellness(even thou the measure has tremendously improved our economies productivity in minimum timeframe and was a very well planned action from the govt).

In real life I am working for a broking firm in sales. And am post graduate in business studies.. I could be helpful to the government of India in matters concerning the economy and our industries.
Not as experienced as many of our friends who are seeking your support, what I can promise you is to help reach the voice of us Indians to our government and contribute to take India to greater highest during the term you grant me.

let me humbly request your support again.
To conclude, Request you exercise your right to vote in favor of the deserving.
