Seeing PEACE GC for what they are

Day 686, 08:21 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus

The tide is turning. Australia's new PM seems serious about not sitting idly by while Indonesia bullies them into occupation. EDEN is gaining support (at least in words) from "neutral" countries who are getting tired of the same aggressive and oppressive tactics.

North America is becoming more and more liberated.
European EDEN nations are united in combatting aggression.
PEACE GC doesn't even operate under the guise of being a defensive alliance anymore.

PEACE GC is not an alliance. An alliance doesn't hold member regions hostage, or charge to give back what they conquered. Member nations are somewhat public about not wanting to be members but being members out of necessity. Now, many are starting to see that EDEN is gaining momentum, and are considering joining an alliance about brotherhood, respect, and teamwork.

Good bye PEACE GC, in two months, you will be irrelevant.