Day 674, 00:20 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 00:20 (Sep24) | Day 674 of the New World


Secret Strenght
In the beginning of this war many where surprised and taken back at the strength that PEACE was putting into the war. I was a new player then and Russia was knocking on Alaska's door, after reading up on the upcoming war I thought Russia was crazy, Indonesia must have lost its mind. This is America! We cant be beaten and we where accompanied by strong allies, Spain, Canada, Romania, eGreece etc are our allies, that night I slept well, assured by my own faith in America that they (PEACE) couldn't possibly invade America. How foolish I and the vast majority of the country at the time where. We severely underestimated our enemy because we failed to look at them as one alliance with one goal, instead we looked at Indonesia, Russia, Hungary as separate countries and we thought that we could take them, one on one we could beat them easy. But it wouldn't be one on one, together PEACE not only invaded but completely wiped out Canada, Spain, Korea and brought us to the brink of eradication.

I began to think how is it possible? How has PEACE outdone us by such a large margin?! We had the largest population, our allies where well built and just as formidable in war as any PEACE nation. So I began to really take a look at peace, to really get into the details of their campaign and how they coordinated their actions. UNITY was the sole reason, Russia, Indonesia, Hungary etc on their own where no match for us but together they proved too much too fast for us. This is further proved when you look at the way Canada and Spain came back from complete occupation, RWs. One on one France couldn't keep its hold on Spain, nor could Russia or Indonesia keep their hold on Canada. Their secret is acting together, acting as one. Our early looses was not just because we failed to realize the strength in their unity but because our alliance was no where near as united as PEACE was. So we had to learn it the hard way, through heavy looses we started to act with a more common goal, national cooperation for the war started to rise and internationally we became closer to our allies.

Recently PEACE has been dealt defeat after defeat. On almost every front PEACE was met with defeat, their early advances being taken from them on a daily basis. Why has the tide of war turned against PEACE? Russia rejected a peace agreement but Indonesia was willing to except, Portugal stepped back from North America, these occurrences show us a weakening in our enemies greatest strength, Unity. And while PEACE has become a more loose alliance we have taken the opposite road, our unity continues to grow, we continue to fight as one and when ever we do we can see it in the battles we fight, a record number of successful defenses against Colombia and Russia. We have defiantly halted Russias recent and short run of victories in America.

So my message to you my friends is stay united, follow DoD orders, remain active, do that and PEACE will soon be seeing America boots in Russian and Indonesian homeland.

Quote of the day - "It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way." Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Nichomachean Ethics. In our case the way is UNITY.

Long live America
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Responsibilities
Americans need a broader view of citizenship.

Our view of citizenship has become skewed. We look more at our rights than our responsibilities. When individuals or special interest groups want something, they claim it is their right. And, we expect the government to take on what should be our responsibilities.

The Declaration of Independence promises “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. We have become more interested in our “pursuit of happiness” than keeping our country safe (“life”) and free (“liberty”). We have forgotten that if we do not fulfill our responsibilities, we will have no rights.

Most Americans see citizenship as voting, jury duty and occasional community service. Keeping democracy strong demands much more. We as citizens must be vigilant and involved. We must each make small sacrifices every day by doing simple, yet powerful citizen actions.

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but rather the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” – Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr.

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American Media Mogul Project: DAY 4

New Citizens? Read this!!!
TIPS: For New Citizens

Please read, vote & subscribe for orders:
DoD Orders

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So They're out of America....Now What?

Best regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ press director & publishing editor