Second Day Confusion???

Day 1,836, 06:54 Published in USA Canada by Lansizzle

Could it be... On the second day here, that I'm completely lost!!! Yes it could. So, when I left yesterday, I thought I had a bit of an idea of what was going on here. Today, I got nothing. I find myself wishing that it was a bit simpler. Jobs in communes for supplies, Tanks for pictures, Wings and Regiments, Orders to fight here and not there, PTOs, Forums and IRCs, Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my!!! I guess I feel overwhelmed because I want to get involved, but I'm not sure where to start. This could be a cry for help, or my plea for some sanity in this crazy New World, or maybe it is just the confusion setting in, and making things more confusing. Just like the real world, anything new and exciting is exactly that, which this still is. Knowing myself, if it doesn't start to make sense soon, I may not be here long. You have my attention eWorld, now do something quick to keep it!
