Second Attempt: Iceland, A new eNation Suggestion.

Day 1,379, 23:02 Published in Canada Ireland by

Hello Fellow vEarthlings,

I'm writing this article today so I can send a direct suggestion to Plato. I may not be a RL Icelander but I have visited it and have many relative that liver there.

-Iceland is a very developed nation that has the largest internet availability in the world. (By Percent of Population)
-The official percent of the population with internet connection is 97.6%, around 301,600 people.
-So if 0.1% of the population plays, around 301 people will be there. (Without the foreign count)

Suggested Regions:
-Reykjavik (Western Region) and Akureyri (Eastern Region).
-Reykjavik would have a fish resource bonus.
-Akureyri would have a cattle.
-Reykjavik would border Newfoundland and Labrador and Nunavut. (Both Canada)
-Akureyri would border Mayo (Ireland), Scotland (UK), Vestlandet (Norway), and Trondelag (Norway).

And doesn't that look pretty damn sexy 😉

