Sec Def interview

Day 1,441, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman
After Action Report.

USA Invasion Update Day 1,441

We are now a Sec. Def approved invasion update paper.

Yes today is a scary day, not only is it Halloween BUT Oklahoma has been taken over, my home state along with Missouri (nice win @A&M btw). Anyways Poland has broken into America’s meat supply taking Oklahoma and Missouri. In other news Florida is now lost to the Serbs, but they never win at home anyways (Miami Dolphins joke). Alabama and Georgia are also under the control of Serbian occupation (did you know that BAMA is favored to win by 4 points against LSU). Spain has also not been able to get into America.

Supplies lost: 12.5% of cows lost, 83.33% fruit lost, 30% grain lost, 11.111% of iron lost.

States lost: 16/50.

Secretary of Defence Firo Prochainezo

Sec Def is in quotes the interviewer (kooguy) has no quotes.

This interview may not be appropriate for all viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

How much do you think the tax increases will affect the current invasion?

“Initially, citizens will see their purchasing power slightly reduced. Because, you know, more of your paycheck is flowing into the national treasury. A wipe is inevitable; if you check a site like, it will show you that against Poland alone, we will not stand 1-on-1. Spain we overpower.”

“To generalize this answer, ONE does slightly more damage than TERRA/EDEN combined does. This means we have to fight cleverly, shifting damage around and striking hard at the end of battles (when you get the most points). That way, you can win even with numerical/damage inferiority.”

Do you believe the game works in a cycle or could this have been prevented?

“Well, yes and no. The game follows cycles in the sense that one alliance is more powerful than the other 90% of the time. In cases where our alliance is equal to the power of the enemy alliance, then the fighting stagnates and someone eventually joins another alliance in search of fun and change.

The first invasion of the US was during World War III. That was over two years ago. Possibly three, now. Anyway, we now are looking at two invasions within 2-3 months. That is a worrisome trend, but it reflects the shift of power that ONE has absorbed with Poland, Serbia, and other high damage countries in their ranks.

Under optimal circumstances, our national defense is best secured by making sure our allies in Europe are not being steamrolled. For example, so long as France is wiped, Poland can invade us due to having "neighboring" provinces there.

But, to get to the point:
Yes, I think this game does flow in cycles to a degree. Alliances shift over long periods of time. As for the invasion, I don't think it could've been prevented. What I can tell you is that we came back from a total US wipe in great time; starting from resistance wars liberating our States, we managed to throw Spain back across the Atlantic, wipe them for nearly a week, and then (if that weren't cool enough) slammed the crap out of Indonesia with the great help of China, Brazil, Australia, and others.

So we did pretty good, but I don't think this current invasion could be avoided. Fortunately Croatia is in Mexico, so they are in a position to support 🙂

How many times have you been Sec. of Defense?

“This is my first time. But I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.”

Do you believe we'll be wiped?

“I'd say it's 98% likely. Barring an act of Admin or a ONE country defecting, I doubt we can avoid a wipe.

That's actually not too much of a concern, though. Having already been wiped a few months ago, we are now able to look at the situation with a little more clarity; the real fighting will be the resistance wars to regain the country. For occupiers, there's nothing harder to contain than multiple resistance wars across a vast empire.

With three invaders, we can have three battles going on at any given time, plus an extra three if we own provinces and can start battles "conventionally". We can't dream of winning half those battles. *But*, those 6 battles mean that those invaders have to watch and put damage into 6 different battles. This gives us operational flexibility (i.e. we can pick 1-2 targets we want to win). This gives us great initiative.”

We've continued to fight for our allies even when we're being invaded. Do you think we should concentrate more on ourselves or should we stick with our allies?

“We fight for allies and in our states. As a wipe is unavoidable, and since we've land = time in the case of an invasion, this is (I think) an acceptable strategy. Plus it's good press for our allies to see our avatars on the battle screens.”

What is your plan to stop ONE?

“Place nuclear weapons on platforms in low earth orbit, use those to destroy their assembly areas prior to future invasions.

Barring that, the plan is to fight effectively, efficiently, and intelligently until the diplomatic situation changes. "Pen and sword in accord", as they say.”

Is there anything you feel I have left out or anything you'd like to say regarding the current invasion?

“America, FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorist your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
America, FUCK YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
America, FUCK YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now”

Interview done by kooguy. Read kooguy’s paper here

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