Sebulba's election speech

Day 807, 18:06 Published in Norway Norway by Sebulba
President election is around the corner, and it is now time for you to decide your future. My party, Binary Party, supports me running this term. We are a wise choice, especially now when Teknokratene aren't running for presidency. Anyway, I will present my case below...

So, here is a small summary of what I stand for

I will, with my government, look towards increasing eNorways income. It's not all that bad at the moment, but there are always room for improvement. By doing this, we can better include our low-leveled players, by various means of welfare. I think our reserves are only to be used when they are needed. With a better income to our state, we can also continue our proud tradition with our FSK unit, as well as a well functioning Heimevern.

Off course, our mutual protection pacts will continue. They are in fact essential for our survival as a independent state.

Much are happening in the world today, and we are very much involved. EDEN is on the move, and I intend to be loyal to them. We always have, and we always will. Like mentioned in the section above, there should be a better funding to our two units. Our Special Units needs their funding to be powerful on the battlefield. The same goes for Heimevernet, who is our special unit for the common citicens." height="50" width="50">" height="50" width="50">" height="50" width="50">

Also, we should always look to evaluate our EMC duties, and if we can improve them by getting more soldiers involved.

As always, we still support Q5 hospitals in all regions. The government just placed one in Sørlandet, so everyone who wants to live there, can now move back home. The process of making the rest of the hospitals will continue as it has been for the last months.

The new hospital in Sørlandet

As stated in the national goals, I believe we could increase the population with 5%. Reboot managed it in his last term, so it should be possible to continue the trend. Endymionis will be appointed Minister of Immigration, and he has many great ideas of improving Immigrasjonsverket. Norway is still a small country, but together, we can all make an effort to change this.

New settlers settling down

So - I'm not promising the world here, but I have mantioned the core cases I think me and my government can accomplish in a month. Most important of all, Norway will be in safe hands.

As a surprising turn of events, Teknokratene didn't show up with a candidate, so this will be a bit strange election. They have always been there, side by side in most races, so it is with ambivalence I run for presidency. Even though we don't always see eye to eye on everything, I hope to see them back next month." height="60" width="60">

Binærpartiet / Binary Party