Screw the rules! I have money.

Day 987, 21:21 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

(I've always wanted to say that.)

Looking at how many votes I had on the previous article, I can determine that 97% of eSK couldn't care less for the current media or thinks I won't ever donate the money and am trying to get them to subscribe for free. (Maybe we should try this thing called reading carefully. I mean, I do it all the time.)

It makes me all gloomy to see how poorly we perform at events that involve just the country, but when I see action actually being done or a cat writing a very inspirational newspaper article to promote themselves for country president, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

So getting to the point, I've decided to put aside all this 'Hurr 100 votes hurr durr' crap and I'm going to donate money anyway. Why? Because I care.

Yours sincerely,
Allen Wells.

P.S. When I saw the prices for food, I was all like "Whaaaaaat?".
And then when I saw the quality of the lower priced foods, I was all like "Gahhhh!".
What happened to the +9 wellness and 0 happiness foodstuffs that sold for just around 1.07 KRW? It is a mystery.

P.S.S. There were once emoticons all over this post...Except they turned 30x bigger whenever they showed and the quality was horrible, so I removed them all...