Scrabman and ATLANTIS mk II

Day 558, 12:07 Published in USA Pakistan by Habraka Abrivianius


Dear citizens of the New World,

As the war in Europe rages on, walls are being breached, regions are being conquered and nations are falling, the actions and intentions of the United States government are becoming more and more clear.

A long time ago, the ATLANTIS alliance was formed between the biggest and strongest countries in the world in an attempt to conquer the world for their own enrichment. Countries like Sweden, Romania, the United States, all wanted to conquer their weaker neighbours, and some of them even succeeded, if only for a while. Fast forward to today, ATLANTIS has failed and fallen against a grand coalition of individual smaller and weaker nations, but a coalition that worked together to defeat the big and strong nations in the New World.

Now, in Sweden, Romania, Poland, Croatia and Finland, it was clear who was to blame for the defeat of ATLANTIS: the less populated and thus weaker nations of Germany, South Africa, Israel, Greece, Canada, and the likes. It seems that the core nations of ATLANTIS, want to go back to the roots of their imperialistic birth; only the strongest nations can join, and the weaker ones must suffer and be enslaved.

Look at the world today; Germany is being divided between Sweden and Poland, former allies of Germany, South Africa has been allowed to fall by it's ATLANTIS allies, and the only reason Croatia and some United States soldiers started resistance wars in Greece and Israel was to divert the Turkish and American forces from fighting for Germany. Norway, once a big and powerful ATLANTIS member, has been reduced to a scrap compared to it's former glory. And guess who controls most of the former Norwegian regions now? Yep, that's right, the former Norwegian allies, Sweden and Finland.

Now, where does this put the United States in all of this you might wonder? Well, the stance of the United States is ambiguous, to say the least. One the one hand you have the overwhelming support of the general populace for the defence and rights of Germany and the German people, donating hundreds of Gold and weapons, fighting and doing hundred of thousands of damage against the Swedish and Polish invaders. I have a lot of respect and gratitude for the thousands of Americans that fought for Germany, some even against directs order from their superiors in the military.

On the other hand you have President Scrabman and his administration that will do everything in it's power to remain in the elite club of big bad bullies that rather beat up the small kid instead of standing up and defending the rights of those who cannot defend themselves. Scrabman wants to remain good friends with Sweden, Poland, Spain, Romania, Croatia, Finland and their lackeys, cause soon they will try to form a new ATLANTIS, an ATLANTIS mk II that goes back to it's root of imperialism and subjugating their smaller neighbours.

Perhaps PEACE was right after all about the ATLANTIS imperialistic pigs and warmongers?

Today, the United States is widely regarded as untrustworthy, disloyal, isolationistic, egoistic and megalomaniac. A country that signs MPP's and makes a lot of promises about defending their allies and what not, but when it matters most, the United States only helps their strong friends, instead of those who need it the most. If two friends are fighting, it is known the United States will chose the side of the stronger one and let their weaker friend perish. The United States, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing more than a fraud and an opportunistic nation. And you all have your president to thank for it.

Thank you President Scrabman!

Americans, chose your next President and Congress wisely, as it will not only determinate the future of your country, but also that of the entire world. You still have a chance to undo at least some of the damage to your reputation and your foreign affairs policy, but it will take a lot of courage, determination, willpower and patience to make right the wrongs made in the past administrations. But then again, Americans aren't afraid of big projects, are they? You have turned more seemingly impossible tasks to a success than any other nation in the world, might as well add this to your list.
