Scoty's Run

Day 650, 02:28 Published in Australia Australia by stewstoyc

G'day, eAustralia

I am here today announce that i am running for Prime Minister for the September term.

A bit about me
My name is Stewstoyc, but i am known as scotywest on Irc and the forums.
I have been around Erepublik for about 14 months now, I was born in the beta times when eAustralia had been eaten by the hungry hungry Hippos Indonesia (I still love you guys).

I stuck around supporting eAustralian's in exile till the first Resistance War which was actually lost 🙁, then came the return of eAustralia. Good days without a congress, no prime minister and a minimum wage of 5 aud, well actually it was pretty crappy. 😛

Then i got stuck into the cabinet working as Deputy Minister of Industry under corny-ratbag, I went from there to become the Minister of Industry. Which got me further in my carrier becoming a Deputy Prime Minister under Patti11, after that its was Minister of Defence, and after that I was once again Deputy Prime Minister this time under Ranger Bob.

Although stewstoyc is only young i have had spent a long time in erepublik, and have had a wealth of experiences. My focus if elected would be on improving eAustralias position in the eWorld by adressing both our economical and military strength.

I have been involved with many outside government activities aswell, such as:
eCricket - eAshes
E-Pub - Part owner.
eAustralian eCricket
and a few others

So thats my short but long life story.

So what do i stand for?

Here is some of my veiws and ideas for September term 2009.

I believe in a balanced free market but the government has a role to intervene in our economy. The eAustralian economy is pretty stable but we have seen a jump in prices in some areas during the congress elections. The main focus on our market should be on our high raw materials such as grain and diamonds, as we have been given these gifts from the Admins we should use them to our advantage.

I would like to get our Department of Industry back on track and get close to finishing our 4th Q5 hospital built by the end of the term.
The National Medical Research Cntr has citizens on as little as skill 2 working which needs to be changed, also the gifting program needs to be put back online in full throttle.
Getting National Medical Research Cntr back on track is one of my main priorities this term because more hospital in eAustralia means more people will get this well needed wellness boost.
With Xavier Darkmyre's new idea for the company found here we have seen a good step in achieving this.

My Department of Industry team will be working hard this term, busting there butts off to keep the eAustralian Gov companies and the economy working up to standards.
Training companies will be looked after, government funded companies will be working at maximum productivity and the market will be watched closely to find any shortages or over priced stock.

In terms of finance I would like to see the Aussie dollar stay stable and with saying that my Department of Finance main job will be that this term. The Aussie dollar is at its point where eAustralian's are benefiting more then a foreigner would and at this stage it helps for the newer citizens of eAustralia.

My views on the military are to be well organized and ready for any emergencies at all times. Having a strong military is vital in the game of Erepublik because many things change quickly unlike in the Real World.

Getting our military more active will be a key to improving our countries rank, so i will be working with the Department of Defence to work out ways to improve.
When the current war games expire i will be working with the SOL alliance to improve on that aspect, having the games more resent and getting more alliance members involved.

With the new military bill in place i will be working with the Department of Defence to get this into action creating the first commander and marshals of each command. My Department of Defence team are close friends of mine and i know that they will do a awesome job, getting the military into shape once more and getting this bill into place.

I would also like to get a team together to work on some videos that will advertise eAustralia's military and maybe even some efighting tutorials for the new guys.
For example here are some of the videos i have created so far:
Drop Bear Elites -
eAustralia Military Video -
Fighting Tutorial -

This term I would like to see everyone subscribe to the Department of Defence newspaper so that EVERYONE is updated on whats happening in the military of eAustralia. (War Games, times mostly) 😛

Foreign Affairs
Well i am all for the SOL alliance, having a small alliance is the best for eAustralia so we are not thrown into the action with the bigger countires such as USA, Indonesia, Romania, Hungary etc. Keeping good relation with other surrounding countries will be a goal for me next term as we need to make new friends to become a stronger nation

I will be picking a good team to represent eAustralia in the SOL alliance and together we will help build a strong future for the alliance. With SOL being only small and now with eSouth Africa, we can show the world that us younger/smaller countries together are strong if we stick together.
Now that eAustralia is in the SOL alliance we are not considered as a neutral country anymore, therefore any offers for PEACE, EDEN or FORTIS will be put down.

Western Australia
I have been at the talks with ranger this term with the Indonesian Prime Minister on the issue of Western Australia, at the moment it looks pretty good for the region to be returned but only time can tell. This term i will be keeping contact with Indonesia to check up on that status and hope all goes well.

So why should you support me over the other guy?
With my experince in senate and cabinet i believe i have shown i am worthy for such a role, list of positions below:
3 terms senater
4 terms Minister of Industry
1 term MoFA-Indonesia
1 term as Minister of Defence
1 term as Deputy Prime Minister under Patti11
1 term as Deputy Prime Minister under Ranger Bob
Saying that i have a lot of know-how in most fields of the government, meaning i will be able to work with my team more fluently.
I am known as one of the most active eAustralian citizens on the IRC and i am member with the most posts on the eAustralian forums. This meaning i love my country and i love to be involved, erepublik is my life 😃

My Cabinet:
I would love to tell you guys my cabinet early but i kinder enjoy the waiting game.
So what i will do is tell you what party's and how many members from each are involved in my cabinet:
ADSP - 5 members
ANP - 2 members
TBP - 2 members, including myself.
AIP - 4 members
ACP - 3 members
MBP - 1 member

I have got a mix of cabinet members from most party's in eAustralia so i will have many individuals in my team, meaning my cabinet will have a lot of good ideas to improve eAustralia.
All the guys in my cabinet are known to be really active citizens of eAustralia, and i have picked them because i know they will do the best of there ability.

One last thing.

I got a few things to say before i go, and I apologize for the large article.
Ranger and Cerri will be going on holidays soon for the whole next term, I know all of eAustralia will miss them, but not as much as I will. :'( Cya Ranger and Cerri.

I would just like to thank all my friends for getting me this far, a special thanks goes to:
Corny-ratbag - Corny-ratbag has been my ementor for as long as i have been in the cabinet, i was once his deputy and I still follow him around in True Blue Party. He is a great eAustralian and i have never met a guy who has done as much as him for eAustralia.
Ranger Bob - Ranger is easily the best efriend you can't get anyone as awesome as him, he has always been there for me and i love him for that. Ranger and Cerri are a awesome couple and they know how to make my elife alot more fun.
Thanks everyone!
________________________________________ __
I will be away on camp Wednesday till Friday so any questions please PM me and i will answer on Friday night, thanks.

stewstoyc (scotywest)