Scorpicus for president?

Day 1,310, 15:22 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe

I found myself bored late one night so i decided to read some of the FEW articles we Norwegians produce, as i was looking trough i stumbled upon this: Scorpicus for president

Well i tought to myself, who is this scorpicus person? Well i did some researching on the internetz and what i found was truly disturbing and shocking to say the least.

This is the first thing i found out about him:

As you can see here, he is the owner of an exotic alternative gift shop. As we all know, exotic is really close to erotic. Do we really want an exotic alternative pervert as president.

The second thing i found out was this:

Wow, no posts and no topics, this person really hates women doesn't he. He hasen't even wrote down his gender. Ain't that just disturbing folks.

The third thing i found out was:

Scorpicus is pretty similar to scorpion ain't it? Maybe even so similar that it might be true. Scorpicus or shall i say SCORPION, why don't you answer us this really simple question, we all want to know, or are you just afraid to tell the truth maybe?

The fourth thing i found out was:

Wow he really likes The Sims 2, and while we are on the subject The Sims brings me to the most shocking thing i found out about Mr.SCORPION

Sim Sadists

Wow...just wow. Killing people and even children, just think for a momemt... If he can kill people this easy and even laugh about idt just think of what he can do to us.

Now people of Norway i ask you this final question: Do we really want an exotic alternative women hating child killing scorpion pervert as country president............................................................................................................................................. 

Scorpicus you perverted scorpion
you have my vote in the coming election

Thanks you all for reading and as a final bonus i will show you a picture of me and scorpicus on one of our crazy adventures

Good luck in the election