Scipio for the East Midlands

Day 549, 09:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scipio The Great

Some of you know me, most probably don’t, but I’ll be standing for re-election in the East Midlands as your congressional candidate for the PCP this Monday.

Since my arrival on eRepublik my commitment to the UK, to the East Midlands and to the PCP has been impeccable and it will continue to be so while I work for you. My obligations as I see them are firstly to you, but also the UK as a whole and I shall fight for what I feel is right at every turn.

eUK - What I’ve done so far

I began as apprentice at the Ministry of Migration and Support, for which, the following term I became Minister. From MoMaS I was appointed Minister of Home Affairs. As a new ministry created by Malta I feel I gave it as good a start as I could have, I certainly worked extremely hard. Following that, this term, I have been serving as the Minister of Information and Education. I am also in the Royal Guards. If elected this will be my fourth congressional mandate in the East Midlands.

The heart of the eUK is in the forums. Understanding this I have been very active on the forums and in-game and I will continue to be so on your behalf, the citizens of the East Midlands.

East Midlands

One of the most important functions for an older citizen is to communicate with newer citizens to explain to them what they can be doing, how they can contribute to the UK and to support them with questions they may have and finances if necessary. I see communication one of the key aspects to a congressman’s duties and I will continue to help in any way I can.

With Del Fuego and Lee Richards we have all participated in working for the East Midlands. Last term I used my congressional allowance in support of projects that hopefully encouraged involvement in the East Midlands and aided in the growth of our community – namely, competitions and the raising of funds for Sync Enterprises – this term I will again put my congressional funds into such programmes.


Understandably, a vote for me is also a vote for my party. Although I shall work for the East Midlands primarily, and do so tirelessly, I am very confident in my ability to apply the principles of my party to do as much good as I can in our region.

I believe in the equal treatment and pay of all of us. This can not be better exemplified in my work for and with the People’s Commune. It is a group of companies that are continuously growing. We pay all our workers equally regardless of their skill. From the very new to the very old and highly skilled we are all paid the same - £1. We then distribute to all our workers food and gifts for free. Any profit we make on any surplus is immediately ploughed back into the communes.

Some views

International - it has been a trying few weeks for the UK internationally. With the collapse of ATLANTIS we are in a significantly weaker position. I have always been an advocate of strong diplomatic ties with as many nations as possible and Sweden/Germany issue exemplifies, I feel, a failure on our part to do our best in attempting to resolve a situation without risking our own boarders. The coming weeks will be a challenge but I hope that we can do our utmost to strenghten our bonds of friendship and expand our circle of friends.

To read a bit on my views on the economy, please follow this link to a previous manifesto.

Many thanks,