Schmittson for Republican PP!

Day 994, 06:47 Published in USA USA by Mike Schmittson

I would like to present my plans for my hopeful August term as Republican Party President. I would like to talk about several things, including my political views, reform, and party growth.

My Political Views: In truth, these apply somewhat to the realm of real-life, as well as in eRepublik. In real life, I do identify as a conservative, and am looking forward to voting in my first election this November. I feel that the government (in-game and IRL) should generally not meddle in the economy. I'm not a big fan of government-run businesses (especially now that the private sector will need to help with building enough hospitals and defense systems to restock our battlefields), and I think that, on the whole, the government should attempt to be as small as possible; the only acceptable "big-government entity" is the defense sector/military. Of course, I realize that in this game, pretty much all of our government's income goes to the eMilitary, and that suits me just fine.

I realize that people do not always join parties for their views in this game, but for their numbers, and so there are some of you even within this party who may disagree with me, but I joined this party because I felt it represented my views well and was an in-game counterpart to the real Republican Party, which I also support very strongly.

Reform: I realize that "reform" is not a word we conservatives generally like to hear, but I have said it before, and I shall say it again: I think parties could always be run in a manner that works better for all members. Now, having only been in this party for a few months, I don't exactly know what new members think of party management, but when I first joined a party, it was basically run by the Party President and his few close friends. In other words, it was pretty much an aristocracy/oligarchy. I am more than willing to continue to see how our current system works, but if it doesn't, I do have a plan on how to get younger members more involve😛 it would include implementing a "Party Congress", so to speak, in which all party members, even if they joined just 5 minutes ago, have a vote and a voice. This would help members to feel as though they have more of a say in the party's actions, and therefore encouraged increased party membership, which will give us a better chance of political victory.

Included here is a diagram of this hypothetical party structure. I hope this diagram speaks mainly for itself, however, if it doesn't, feel free to PM me with any questions.

One more minor reform I would like to implement: if we retain our current Party Structure (which I think we will), the office of Business and Wellness Coordinator needs to be updated in some way. Since gifting is no longer possible, the Wellness part will have to be modified.

Party Growth: As noted above, the hypothetical party plan would hopefully increase interest in our party, as we could quite truthfully market ourselves to newer players as a party that listens to them. In any case, we could very well advertise more. I have seen some of our ads recently, and frankly, I think we can do better. Hopefully we could get our advertising act together and put out amazing ads that help to get us to the Top 5. One other thing I would to implement is merging other parties with ours, for greater collective political victory. I am not sure if this is entirely possible; as my ticket regarding this has gone unanswered, as have so many others. If the admin can simply switch all members of one party to another party, that would allow our parties to sign contracts saying that we wish such a thing to be so. In all honesty, why should there be 40 center-right/libertarian parties out there? There shouldn't be! It would be to everyone's advantage if there was only one: ours. This is one situation where the phrase "United We Stand" is more than applicable. Also, I am almost certain (I have yet to actually do the math) that such a thing would lead us to the Top 5.

My running mate in this election is Alexander Holzbach, the Party's Chief Recruitment Coordinator. He is a bright man who will work with me on gaining party members, and he has good ambition and a can-do attitude.

I hope you vote for me and Alexander in the primaries (on our Party forums at, and again on August 15th!