Scandal sau let's put fuel to the fire

Day 4,658, 07:09 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by MDreams

eRepublik devine de n-ori mai interesant in momentul in care apare un scandal in "presa". Cel putin pentru mine... dinozaur plictisit de butonul "work" sau "deploy". De aceasta data pumni virtuali au decis sa-si imparta cei care folosesc scripturi (nu ma refer la scrierile bisericesti ca aici as imparti si eu cativa) si cei care nu concep folosirea acestora si probabil cred in teoria conspiratiei aparuta cateva luni in urma. Probabil o stiti si voi... Bill Gates si cipurile.

De la revenirea mea in erepublik inca nu am ajuns sa folosesc scripturi. Obisnuiam sa o fac acum 5-6 ani. Cumva... inteleg ambele tabere.

In compartimentul Terms of Service gasim un aliniat care interzice folosirea anumitor aplicatii, programe third-party care ar putea oferi un avantaj jucatorilor.

" 5.1 You agree that you shall not (and you agree not to allow any third party to):
5.1.3 use any robot, spider, website search/retrieval application, or other automated device, process or means to access, retrieve or index any portion of the Website and/or the Service, other than for the purposes of using the eAPI System and then only as allowed by the functionality of the eAPI System;"

Dar tot in compartimentul Terms of Service gasim un aliniat ce interzice tinerilor mai mici de 16 ani sa detina un cont pe erepublik (cu anumite abateri). Jumatate din toate conturile create pe erepublik ar fi trebuit sa fie banate... if you know what i mean.

"4.4 You must be over 16 years old to use the Website and/or the Service. Persons under 16 years of age are not entitled to register as a citizen on eRepublik. The use of the Website and/or the Service by a minor between the age of 16 and 18 is subject to the consent of their parent or guardian."

Ne place sau nu... jocul mai este mentinut in viata datorita acestor scripturi. Majoritatea luptelor sunt goale, datorita eventului poti lua SH-uri si cu 5k DMG. So just let it be... for now.

Btw... sper sa continuati mai jos scandalul. Nu de alta, dar activez modul popcorn. Sa ne auzim... banati?!