Saying PEACE, to PEACEgc

Day 655, 06:00 Published in Philippines USA by Anthony Trafford

**NOTE: Article was written night of September 4th**

Why did I name this article what I did? Well it’s pretty simple… I will not be beating around the bush here… after I place my vote tomorrow, I am saying “ Peace, to PEACEgc “. Why? Because I cannot stand anything that this utterly shitty alliance stands for. It’s impossible for me to see eye to eye with anyone who agrees with PEACEgc… I tried to stay here, but I realized… I just cannot.

Over my brief return to this nation, I would like to think I had a part in forming it to be what it is today. And I felt like I could really settle down in this nation, and plant my roots… so to say. Well, I did, and I was pretty happy with this place. Then, when the FPM came into the nation, I sincerely felt like the true Pinoys at the time, Nina… Blitz… Maeve… Myself… Prince… among others, were going to be kicked out because you all seemed to have this idea that you were going to run my country.

And you did, which sucks a real lot. You helped the nation, but you also put them into PEACEgc*. I refuse to think that I should linger around in a nation that supports contradiction such as PEACE when all they do is RWAR.

Now, to be honest with you I thought this article would be kind of emotional for me. ePhili is more my home, then any of yours… in my honest opinion. Why? I have no idea. I feel like, since I was literally one of the first people here, and helped build this nation, I feel a connection most of you wouldn’t feel, and it sucks to leave it. But as I said, my unconditional revulsion for PEACEgc is much, much more then my love for ePhili.

And in these past few weeks, I’ve literally felt like I wasn’t even welcome in my own home. Why? The government, yes YOU Ariel, and all of your minions (…;P actually they aren’t your minions, I just love that word… minions 🙂…). You kept forgetting me in everything that had to do with your cabinet and such. But you may be wondering as to why that would even faze someone… well, when you try to help your government, and they ignore your efforts… it does get to you after a while.

Me leaving the ePhilippines came in stages. First, I had eUSA, my true homeland (…place of birth… in game / rl…) , taken over almost entirely. I literally purchased 2 tickets ready to move on a whim. The next stage, was when I realized that I wasn’t going to accomplish my militaristic/media goals here… why? Well, I do not know why.

The final 2 are the icing on the cake, so to say. The third stage was harassing messages from Reclusive Monkey about how his life is terrible** (…like no one else has problems?...), and how I shouldn’t accept any citizen requests. Which still to this day, I will never understand how he could accuse me of such, since literally all citizen applications that are approved are 100% public… so I definitely don’t see how you could even mistake me for approving anyone. But whatever… The final stage was of course, my government ignoring me.

While I tried to last here, in the end I could not. I am not sorry I have to leave this place… it changed, but not for the better. Maybe one day, when ePhili isn’t afraid to be invaded by eIndo, I’ll come back… but until then I will probably be traveling the world… stopping in the eUS to make eUSA whole again… eIsrael to start a few companies, and eGreece to fight in their “training” wars with eTurkey, since as we all know I hate the COWARDS in eTurkey.

My food company will remain for sale here. My org stays here until someone buys the company. All of my PHP will not be given to the government, rather, my org so that if I do ever return to this place, I will be able to survive.

So this is my goodbye to most of you. Nina, you will be the one person I actually miss after tomorrow, and I really hope you win the election, honestly. EZEX, you are very kind individual and I hope you accomplish great things in eRep. Ariel, I hope you can turn your visions into reality. Prince, I hope you become Country President someday. Maeve (…if you ever read this…) I hope you become Country President as well… you were probably one of the greatest Pinoys ever, right there next to HazzN and BBB.

My Final Thoughts:
I have learned a lot from ePhili, and I hope ePhili has learned a lot from me. I will miss this place, but I will not regret leaving here. I did what I could, but could not stand to live in a place that fully supports what I oppose. I may miss some of you, I may not miss the others… but I do hope that you all are successful in the end.

Don’t fuck up ePhili.
😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_ 😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_😑_ 😑

* I say that YOU put them into PEACEgc for the reason that when the FPM came in yall pretty much dictated what was going to happen, and yall was afraid of eIndo… not necessarily that someone individually put them into PEACEgc.

** I do feel bad for the loss of your grandfather, RM, but you have to understand that you’re not the only person that plays this game, and has a life outside of it with struggles as well.