Save the eIndian companies! Buy from the Market

Day 715, 17:03 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

I would like everyone to first refer to this Article ->

Be Indian Buy Indian

I wrote an article earlier: I am modifying it again and bringing it out talking about Black market and Businesses.

I would request all the citizens to still Buy from the Market. A company can never compete with Black Market Prices, without sacrificing a Big Profit or even going into Losses.

As a dedicated citizen, its all of our Jobs to help the economy flourish.
Many of you are company owners and feel the stress brought on by the BM.

What is Black Market?

When a certain person offers good through donations which are generally cheaper than the Market price. These goods are obtained via donations and hence escape the market system and make the government loose Taxes. We all know how important taxes are for a government to survive.

One example:
AHF/IGB/shail.back has been offering cheaper weapons to the eIndian citizens for the league... whatever his reasons maybe, I respect them.
Another example:
You will see newspaper ads of a certain nasser-gh guy offering weapons slightly cheaper than Market price. Because he is a BM trader, his sales would harm the economy.

But I encourage and request all the citizens to buy from the MarketPlace directly. As the more you buy in BM. The more you will be hurting your fellow eIndian businessmen.

These are people who have worked hard to earn the money and have started companies to make more money and help the eIndian economy.
Not only does BM take precious taxes away from the Government but they are destroying the economic infrastructure of the Economy.

BlackMarket is only for thieves in Real Life. Thieves steal products and sell it cheaper to the public.
Piracy too, is the same thing.
You get cheaper products for which you may have had to pay more. But at the cost of the creators Hardwork being unrewarded.
I am asking everyone to put themselves in our shoes (Company Owners) and see how it is.

I would like all morally upright company owners support me in the endeavour to get eIndia rid of the plague of Black Market.

As an Older Minister of Finance, and a Company Owner.. I urge all the concerned to spend the extra buck, but buy from the companies and not the Black Market.


Owner of:
India Rising

Manager of:
Indian Business Group