Save my children...

Day 483, 15:43 Published in Japan China by Modelcon

From the insidious presence of Hitoshi Makoto.

Let's be honest here. Hitoshi has not been the most popular of all Japanese. His media spamming, his weird views and his opportunistic actions have garnered huge criticism from Japanese. Among most outspoken of us are Koga, Koka, Geno, Angrr, Inferno, Kato, Seixo, Akki and many others. Together, we have tried to point out his myriad errors, and strange opinions.

Well, now, you must not deal with that any longer.

I do.

Ditching Japan (for whatever reasons), he decided to move to China, the land i was born in and the land I spent my first eMonths in. And now, he's come...

Please save my children, my innocents who have not had the displeasure to read articles about his company, about a MASH episode, or composites of articles that were written two months ago. Please let my children know what you think of him, honestly and freely. Please immunize my children for the torrent of disinformation that will spew out of his paper in a few days.

I would deeply appreciate efforts to alert the citizens of China of what you think of him. I have started this immunization here, , but I will need your help.

Thank you, and may China look to Japan for its success in Asia.

May the glorious motherland triumph!