Save Egypt.

Day 1,522, 08:06 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

The battle for survival is upon us!

Make no mistake, this is not about the MPPs our President signed. This is about:

* Hunger for land, and in Greek eyes, easy land
* Punishment for a fight for national self-determination - much easier to trust Europeans running our country...

We are a small nation, we do not threaten other nations, we simply seek a viable country.

But there are many in this eworld for whom the endless politics of the petty alliances do not define them. You are the people who want to stand up against this warmongering of children that will find ANY petty excuse to justify their lust for land.

Join us now! You might not turn the tide of this battle, as the armies of children in the TEDEN countries blindly follow the rhetoric of their corrupt leaders, but I will be proud for each independent minded person I see take up arms in the defence of Egypt.

Defy your leaders!
Defy the petty warmongering of the alliances!
Defy the endless chatter of the trolls that will follow this article!

eEgypt of all her colours, be they ethnic Croat, English, American, Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian, Bulgarian. We're are coming together to defend our nation.

Will you join us!

Franz Kafka