Saudi Arabian Ministry of finance and economical development

Day 1,695, 15:59 Published in Saudi Arabia Egypt by Ahmed AE

Dear Citizens of the Great kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the newly Appointed minister of Finance/Economy, over the next few days i will be working (along side fellow ministers and with cooperation with international parties) on greatly improving the Saudi Arabian Economy.

The economy of any country is its backbone, a strong economy reflects strong country, a weak economy will result in a weak country, Most, if not all institution's depend on the country economy, there is no doubt that an insinuation such as the military is hugely dependent on the nations economy since this is how it is financed.

The Ministry Will set its self a number of goals and time frame that those goals should be completed in, most goals will be quantitative rather than qualitative so they can be easily measured.

So what are quantitative and Qualitative goals?
Here is an example of both:

Qualitative: To reduce the prices of food.
Quantitative: To reduce the prices of Q1 food by 25% withing 10 days

You can obviously tell that the Quantitative set objective is much more detailed and much more useful because it has Quantities and it has a time frame thus after the time set is over we can see whether we met or objective or not, and the ministry can be judged fairly.

Because Saudi Arabia is still a small and young nation with a small population, we do not have much tools to work with, but this does not mean that progress can not be achieved, it just means that we should set SMART goals that suit our situation.

SMART stands for: Specific, Manageable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time Based

Hopefully all those goals will be met within the next 13 days, and on congress elections the Ministry can be judged fairly according to the progress i have made.

- on RIzon: #Ksa.Mof
- PM Ahmed AE ingame