Sarge's Story

Day 415, 14:30 Published in USA Israel by pantherthug89

TAKE COVER PRIVATE!! I grinded my tobbaco stained teeth as I flattened myself below the bomb crater as French mortars open fire. I had been lucky that a Army task force had been behind me to realize my situation. I clenched my fingers around my puny Desert Eagle praying for my life. After about an hour I decided and I cant just be a coward and sit in my mouse hole the whole battle and made my plot to pop out and take a few blasts at the mortars up ahead. So that I did, I surged upward but only to have a skinny, dark haired, Frenchmen staring down the barrel of my Desert Eagle as his bloody hands are occupied by his clanky mortar gear. I closed my bloodshot eyes, squeezed the trigger, and heard a bloodcudling screech as i hear the clang of his mortar gear descent and hit the sand with a thud. I opened my eyes slowly to see the Frenchmen with half his leg shot off whimpering like an abused dog. I was flabbergasted, I couldnt believe how clumsy I had been. So i raised my heated barrel one last time, closed my eyes and.... BOOOM a sudden blast to my left, the mortar team had realized my presence after I had been standing all that time and seized the momment to strike against me. The next thing I knew I felt a tingling sensation, then a sharp exassperating as shrapnel impaled my left shoulder. I had by now forgot about the Desert Eagle that had slipt ot of my right hand during the event and the Frenchmen who had been finished off by the shrapnel blast. I trudged at a increasingly slow pace torwards the army squadron for aid as my shoulder pulsed as it became completely numb as blood oozed own my surban clothes. Then another blast, and i flopped to the Lower Normandy beachead with my head half consumed by the sand. My leg had been shredded by the shrapnel of another blast and now i could barely come to a crawl. The next thing I knew I was lifted by camoflauged arms as I flickered unconcious.

When I woke up I was in a Floridian hospital with my left leg and arm in a mummy life cast. I slowly said my prayer and asked God to bless that brave soldier that saved my life. Just before I drifted into sleep once more I promised myself
This fighting lone wolf wolf will be no more, from now on I will be a member of the United States National Guard!

Sarge's Story continues next Thursday when our young character leaves the hospital, finds a job, and joins the National Guard, But boy does he have no idea what he gets himself into next.