SAP goes to the polls!

Day 512, 00:04 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

During the run-up to today's Party President Elections, the South African Party conducted a primary election on its forum between Zagarius and Whiteheart. The SAP Gazette wants to congratulate both sides for their extremely well-run and civilised campaigns. In the end, it came down to experience, and Zagarius won out. His first action as president-elect was to invite Whiteheart to join him as Vice-President.

The president-elect's reaction
WOW! I umm... what to say. Thank You Piet Faassen for making the SAP what it is today. I will not take your work, building this small upstart to a Top 5 party for granted. I will continue to look for ways to bring in members and to have them be a part of South Africa and the SAP.

I pledge to continue to look for ways to secure us from a TO that seems to be a constant worry to parties and our country. I will also, take Whiteheart's continued activity and make him my 2nd and our VP. I know he will continue to make us proud.

I also want to look for members to step up to assist us in bringing in members because without you we are nothing. I may be your leader, but without you I am nothing. I will make you proud and please feel free to come to me if you need help or have questions.

Thank You, Zagarius

Past, present and future
The SAP Gazette also wants to pay tribute to our founder and first president, Piet Faassen, for his vision, hard work and leadership to get this party of the ground.

We wish the new leadership team all the best, and all our members can rest assured that the party is in good and very capable hands. We urge you to become involved. A good start is the SAP Forum.

South African citizens, it's time to become involved! The time for inaction is over. South Africa needs YOU to be healthy, strong, and well-versed in battle. Be part of the future! Be part of the South African Party!