
Day 285, 04:11 Published in Ireland New Zealand by Final Destiny

Ladies and gentlemen of the Republic of Ireland. Tomorrow with your vote Ireland will soon be free of the tyrannical government of Victor Petrescu and his Global Money Traders that have ravaged Ireland’s economy to make a quick buck. September 1st 2008 will be the turning point in Erepublik Irish History. It is up to you to turn up and use your democratic rights to take the first step in healing Ireland’s wounds. 1 Month of depression and frustration can finally come to an end.

This Month has served as a lesson not only to Ireland but all countries of the World big and small. What can you do to stop these sorts of takeovers happening? Well there are a two ways:

1. Be United under 1 Banner
Not my favoured method as to be frank it isn’t the most democratic of solutions. We aren’t all a hive mind. We all have different ideals and beliefs of how our countries should be ran. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for political unity and co-operation between all citizens. (I was Party President of The Unity Party after all.) It’s just better to have opposition parties as it creates debate and lets face it more fun.

2. Constitution
In order to prevent political takeovers from foreign powers or a huge influx of newcomers from an offsite forum more and more countries are drawing up constitutions. This I personally I feel protects countries interests the most. It also helps stop corruption like stealing from the treasury and protects the rights of citizens.

What path will the Republic of Ireland take? That all depends on YOU! Yes you the citizens and your congress. Speaking of which I’ve noticed that some Irish parties are failing to put up active citizens into Congress. Now this happens in most countries due to people not wanting to be tied down to one place. In order to get a constitution ratified this country needs it’s most active citizens in Congress. So I call on all Party Leaders to reorganise their party lists and get your best people in Congress.

International Affairs

With the conflict in eastern Europe on-going between Romania (ATLANTIS) and Hungary (PEACE) I am willing to bet a few of you are overwhelmed by the numbers in both Alliances. Here is the official members of each Alliance in brackets are the countries that have been conquered or merged with the respective nations :

Norway (Finland and Russia)
Romania (Ukraine and Moldova)
Sweden (Denmark, Germany and Poland)
United Kingdom (Belgium)

Total Countries Conquered/Merge😛 8

France (3 Regions of Switzerland)
Hungary (Slovakia)
Indonesia (Australia and 4 Regions of South Africa)
Italy (1 Region of Switzerland)
Japan (South Korea)
Pakistan (India and China)
Portugal (1 Region of Mexico)
Turkey (Israel and 9 Regions of Greece)

Total Countries Conquered/Merge😛 7 and 3 Countries partially conquered.

Czech Republic
South Africa

Total Countries Conquered/Merge😛 0 or 1 depending on if you count Slovakia now it’s part of Hungary.

The Non-Aligned countries usually have a strong leaning towards one Alliance or the other but are not officially in either ATLANTIS or PEACE at least not yet.

It’ll certainly be interesting to see who certain new countries (I believe the admins said we’ll be seeing some new ones in August but we all know what Admin timing is like 😛 ) will side with in this global conflict. As World War for the lulz grows ever more likely and indeed were the Non-Aligned countries end up.

Final Word

So as I said at the beginning of this article don’t forget to vote tomorrow for ImaNewbie and Ireland First/Irish Union Party/Fianna Fáil/Irish Freedom Party for Congress and say NO to Victors regime that have been oppressing you (Unless you are in his Political “Elite” then good for you.) for the past month. I know I’ll be in the ballot box nice and early.
