SAGP Updates: Fundraising Drive!

Day 739, 13:48 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department
Gold Party in Congress
It's been a busy few days for many of us in the GP. Our 18 congressmen have wasted no time getting to work. The first order of business has been to elect a new Speaker, and I'm pleased to announce that our very own Party President Robert Reid has been elected to take over the position from Ines Schumacher, who did not seek reelection this month. After seeing how he's run the Gold Party this past month I dont think we can have any doubt that he will serve us well as Speaker.

100 Members!
In the wake of our congressional victory our membership has surged once again. Today for the first time we've broken into triple digits! At the current moment we are only two members short of being the largest party in South Africa. Expect to see the Gold Party on top of that list very soon.

Fundraising Drive
We're a bit low on funds after the our media blitz for the elections, and it's time to refill our coffers. To do this we'll be running another fundraising drive. It's going to be another 50-50 game, 50% of the funds raised go to the winner, the other 50% are kept by the party. Last round Destiny Rose walked away with 217 ZAR, this time I expect the winnings will be even greater! Somebody could easily walk away with over 300 ZAR, and that somebody could be you!
Each ticket will be 5 ZAR, donated to SAGP Fundraising. Feel free to purchase as many tickets as you wish. The drawing will take place on day 746, please purchase your tickets before then!

-Karl Bauer
South African Gold Party Media Director
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