Safelist - Congress

Day 1,464, 06:42 Published in Denmark Denmark by Maine Coon

Hovedstaden :

Flitwick, manstruenature (Killers)
HrBjorn, Westley Black, Syrlingen, Kristian6400 (Aurora)
Exri (Defend Party)

Sjælland :
Uros188, pho3nix, alfred temple, JustAnotherClown (Aurora)

Syd Danmark :
kkjerr, Kristian Klausen, Plokite, Rune Larsen (Killers )
StineD (Aurora)

Midt Jylland :
AngelsQueball, Thyregod (Aurora)
Sasori5, Docstar (Killers)

Nord Jylland :

Breindahl, Tulleshelper, RafterX(Killers)
tyren9 (Aurora)

These people are RL Danes and people trusted by the government of eDenmark.

If you get any doubts where to put your vote, please look in forum ( , swing by mIRC #eDenmark or send ingame message to Flitwick or Maine Coon. We will try to point your vote to where it is needed the most.

Shouts will also be done during electionday - keep an eye out for these - they might tell you where your vote can help Danes to get into Congress.