Sad Story Behind the Great Battle of California

Day 1,311, 19:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by psy_cho

Yesterday, Indonesia with his brothers, his allies and ONE support was able to conquer a special region of the USA. That battle became the most important battle of that day, the whole eWorld was paying attention to it, because California was USA’s Capital. There was joy and party everywhere in Indonesia right after we could reach our objective. Not everyone enjoyed the party. There was a young lady who cried that night. What kind of story could have made that beautiful young lady cry?. We will reveal it soon.

Once upon a time there was a happy eSon, his name was Kondom. He enjoyed his day with his eMother (FlorenciaC). But one day, the little Kondom was called to fight for his eCountry, Indonesia. He was very sad because he had to leave his eMother. But he couldn’t abandon his duty with his eCountry. He packed his tanks and food and left his eMother at sorrow in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Months have passed, young Kondom became a great maho ehmmm... I mean man, a hero for his eCountry. He also became President at December and lead his eCountry into glory. At March he got a pretty eDaughter (tatiaar) from his forbidden relationship with Ekrem, he also made a huge fortune and became one of the top tankers of his eCountry. Although he was separated from his eMother, he didn’t forget to call his eMother. Both, eSon and eMother, enjoyed their days in peace and happiness. Until one day came....

Indonesia proposed USA as Natural Enemy, Kondom immediately went to the battlefield and fought against those yankees. He slaughtered many yankees in Hawaii. But he didn’t get satisfied, he searched more and more yankees. His armor became red because of blood of his foes, his sword already sliced more than one hundred enemies flesh. No one matched his ferrosity.

And suddenly he stopped when he saw two people at USA’s side. He watched them and he realized that there were his eMother and his step eFather. They were stunned and looked each other eyes. Unexpectedly, one of those yankees stabbed Kondom from the back. The brave Aberi soldiers saved his ass and took him to the medical tent.

At night, FlorenciaC went to Kondom room to see her eSon. They cried as soon as they saw each other. Her eMother told kondom that she got eMarried with the President of eUnited States, Glove (is love). She was disappointed because Kondom fought against his own step eFather, and her eHubby fighting against her eChild. She told Kondom that he wouldn’t get his heritage if he kept fighting against USA. His eMother asked him to leave the battlefield.

since you attacked your daddy's country you are not the heir of his fortune

His head was not in the game at that time, he ignored his eMother and walked to the hill. There, he thought what he was going to do tomorrow. Under the moonlight, Kondom pondered. His doubt suddenly appeared once he knew that his enemy was his step eFather. After many hours thinking about it, he finally took the decision. Devotion to the country should be placed as top priority.

Sun rise in the east. A huge number of Aberi soldier, tankers, private Battle Group and soldier from allies together with all eIndonesian citizen marched to the battlefield. Their target were California the heart an eUSA Capital. Kondom was one of them. He had already made up his mind, he would fight for his eCountry against his step eFather. Finally Indonesia won in California.

Kondom met his eMother, with heavy feelings and such dilemma he told her that he will fight for his country, he vowed to be in eIndonesia’s side no matter what happen, even if he has to fight against his own stepfather.

His Mother sad because she couldn't stop a battle between father and son. But she always believe that one day kondom would fight together with his father.

[09:54] i hope kondom and glove can fight together one day
[09:54] *disgusting

Among those conflict, there are silent eyes watching carefully. Those eyes reflect sadness and sorrow. She’s (kondom eDaughter) sad because she can’t stop war between his eFather and her eGrandfather. She only prays to see, one day, this battle ending.


PS :
- This article just for fun, no intention for insult anyone and i already got permission from kondom and florenciac to publish this article.

btw change kandon for kondom
- Sorry kandon, i can't refuse your eMother request. 😛