Sad day for Vermont Politics... Concession Speech.

Day 401, 07:08 Published in USA USA by Boss_Khamzi

It seems somewhere along the way I made a mistake. I followed my heart and followed my duty. I lead a clean campaign with integrity and thought. I sullied no man, woman or child along the way. My duty to the NG left me in FLA. I flew home to VT last night knowing that I would vote here today. Unfortunatly, I am not on the ballot. Either I made a critical mistake not returning to VT soon enough or I was caught by the five party trap. Knowledge is power and I will be working with my party to accomplish our goals.

As far as my competitors go, I am voting for the one with the calmer head than the other... Looking back at the two candidates its clear who that is.

Enzo Caprizzi, he has done admirably.

I will be remaining in VT until my duty calls me away again. I lost this election before the votes were even cast, by no fault of my own other than my inexperience.

Good luck to both competitors, I will be watching the winner and waiting until I can run again! Vermont, sorry for taking up your time. I hope at least I made the race interesting.

Lt. Boss_Khamzi
1/1 eUSA NG
Vermont Resident