S.S.F Wants YOU!

Day 1,319, 19:00 Published in Australia Australia by Angie Tuminaro

Greetings eAustralians and all of our eAllies. Although eAustralia is partly crippled by a lack of her full regions, it does not mean we are going to crawl into a hole and die. NO SIR. We gon’ fight.

The Southern Strike Force is a newly formed Militia, whose goals are to protect eAustralia and her Allies. We think that helping out our Allies is very important, so we are often deploying to strange and foreign lands, and then kicking some @$$ over there. We are recruiting all eAustralians and all who have citizenship in a Terra/EDEN country. To put it shortly, we want YOU.

You know you want to.

Okey, so you know who we are, and what we do, and if protecting your eCountry and fighting as part of an elite unit isn’t enough for you, there are some other awesome things that we do.

All of our soldiers receive supplies before an important battle; we meet on IRC or make a post on our Forums about the strike. Then we supply our troops, and then we proceed to blaze our way across the battlefield. This ensures our soldiers are both active and allows us to participate in coordinated attacks, meaning much more efficient damage output.
• As mentioned above, we don’t just fight in MPP battles; we deploy, and LOVE to fight in Resistance Wars. We find this both fun, and beneficial to our allies etc
• You get to become part of an awesome community. We are all mates, and screw around on IRC and the Forums, which is always fun amirite? You will get to be a part of all that when you join.
• Bullet points listing the cool things we do/have in our recruitment articles

Now I’m sure we can all agree, these are some pretty amazing things to have and be apart of. So, you will be signing up right? Sorry to be a buzz kill, but we have some requirements in the Southern Strike Force. Luckily for you, they are not hard to fulfil.

• You have to be active. This includes logging onto forums and IRC daily or at a minimum 5 times a week.
• You must follow orders. It does not matter where we tell you to fight, you must follow orders. No excuses. Fighting where and when ordered increases damage efficiency and awesomeness.
• You will wear the correct uniform. We do not accept members being out of uniform, or wearing a modified uniform. Our current uniform is looking p cool, so kudos to Styvesant
• We DO allow our members to be apart of other Military units, such as the ADF, although this will be decided on a case by case basis. And when push comes to shove, you will follow SSF orders first.

So come one come all! Join up today! Who knows, it could very well be the best decision you have made in your whole eLife. I know. That’s who. And yes, it will be, so sign up now!

Come visit us on the Rizon server, in the channel #S.S.F
Or fill in this application form: http://tinyurl.com/3uyn32g

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Much love,

Angie out.