
Day 951, 12:06 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Today I have to talk about three points


1. President of S.E.E.S. declares intent to kill the party

2. The significance of S.E.E.S. as a party

3. The future of S.E.E.S.


1. President of S.E.E.S. declares intent to kill the party

There have been interesting events happening at S.E.E.S recently. There was an article released thru the party org a couple of days ago:


Today, June 25th, a day that will forever live in infamy, S.E.E.S. has decided to retire from politics.

To insiders, it was obvious that things were slowing down and that nothing was working out (i.e. the ban of all our Google doc accounts today) and frankly, we became boring. This has been a long time coming and so we feel we need to go back to our roots. We haven't put out anything quality in a while with regards to media. That needs to change. We're also keeping our militia because we want to be like a merc with a mouth since that was a part of the original idea of S.E.E.S. A troll militia.

Another reason for this is that real life bettered some of us, burnout and apathy took the rest. But instead of doing an AAP, and becoming a complete waste of space, we have decided to bow out gracefully, before the throes of uselessness overtook us, and dragged Amurica down.

We don't feel a huge article matters here since it's a personal choice and doesn't need to be explained in heavy detail so you faggots know what was happening under the hot and sweaty covers. But don't get this article twisted, S.E.E.S. isn't dead.. We are just done with politics for now. #sees will still be around and for a community to live, a party must die since there can be only one."

The President of S.E.E.S a day later wrote an article where he said the following:

"If you haven't heard, S.E.E.S. as a party was killed by all elders members. All of them but the führer himself. Now, it might seem odd to most of you to kill a S.E.E.S. party without the consent of the man S.E.E.S. was created for. So, I'm here to address that since this whole thing is getting annoying.

S.E.E.S. was created for the greatness that was Emerick but was never intended to be a party.. When Krems and I started up S.E.E.S. (we were the very first members with others coming a day or so later), we had it in the image of trolling and figured we should have some sort of militia because mercs with a mouth just sounds badass and if you don't think so, allow me to show you the door.
But a minor detail was Emerick didn't know, that's probably the only reason it worked but we were all burnt out and none of us wanted to continue. So we release a Midnight Channel article explaining how S.E.E.S. is done as a party. But of course, retards and dumbasses interpret that as S.E.E.S. is dead. I facedesk but explain how the "infidels" who split from the party and no longer want to hold it want to keep the militia and Midnight Channel and go back to the original idea. We had all the people to do that effectively and make it work. Small, less time consuming things.

I don't know what's happening militia wise since Wallingbottom (the guy in charge) hasn't picked a side (as much as I hate to say there is sides). So w/r/t/ our current militia, I have no idea how it's working out. But the "deserters" (us) are going to keep the Midnight Channel since it's set to my email and I changed the password :3 But it seems like people are trashing the "deserters" because they think we're killing S.E.E.S. So I'm here to tell you that the "deserters" don't want to kill S.E.E.S., we want to kill the party so that S.E.E.S. could live and the fact that I'm still here and writing a giant ass article just shows that's true. S.E.E.S. was never meant to be a party no matter how much trolling material it gave us. So yeah, that's the "deserter" side for the most part. I put a lot of history in here as well since it's needed for a cool backstory.

In closing, I hate how there is even sides in this, the party was dying and it was taking us all with it. So to kill a party to save a community, I'm sure you can see what was the logical choice."


2. The significance of S.E.E.S as a party

Here are some excerpts from the S.E.E.S wiki:

"The Specialized Elite Execution Squad is the only major party in the United States of America whose ideology is Authoritarian. The party runs on the basis of absolute command and strict control. The party has a small but powerful upper echelon of rulers, all of whom are ruled by the party's president, known officially as Das Führer.

Ideology: S.E.E.S. pushes the notion that most people are merely another cog in a greater machine. However, with hard work and intelligence, a person may raise to the rank of an elite mechanism that controls the lower mechinery.

Elitism and Teamwork: The members of S.E.E.S. are stout believers that those who have proven their superiority deserve to be listened to, and thus should be followed. They believe that they are playing a team game, and understand the importance of working together while following their leaders' orders.

Aggressive Nature: S.E.E.S. has a more aggressive approach to things than other parties by using methods that go against the usual moral high horse. Such as the takeover of the AAP which was viewed as a PTO because THEY CAN'T SEE WHAT WE'RE DOING UP THERE ON THAT HIGH HORSE. An aggressive approach allows SEES to get things done more efficiently than taking the time to think about others feelings over the internet.

Political Impact: S.E.E.S. started with the goal to save America and the only way to accomplish this was to get into the current political system and work towards running candidates who would have America's best interests in mind, no matter their in-game age.

S.E.E.S. Parties: S.E.E.S. started a party which started with barely eight members, and over the course of a week, garnered over 150 members, showing that people want greatness in their life. The party hit the top sixth spot and that was when S.E.E.S. decided to go past what people expected and won the top party with over 1700 members using no means that were against eRep rules (unlike the DERP election, lolbot).

Emerick won the AAP election (currently the American Progressive Front). This was the dream now turned to reality, S.E.E.S. was in the Top 5, and not just the Top 5, the top party in the Top 5. But, before the partying (excuse the pun) began, tragedy struck, and Emerick received a temp ban for racism. Now, usually, this wouldn't be a bad thing except it removed him from the Party President position, giving it to Max McFarland 2 who turned the party into the American Progressive Front. That said, S.E.E.S. mourned all the hard work it did and kept moving, keeping programs and pushing a militia which self-sufficient."


3. The future of S.E.E.S.

I'm proud to be a member of SEES. I've met so many hardworking people in the party whose #1 concern is America and its standing the world. SEES as a group is much more than an American top 5 political party. I'll just say that it has people all over the world that strive to keep America safe.

As a political party, SEES works on the principle of having a handful of top guys making all the decisions. Emerick is there to provide political cover so that SEES can work toward its stated goal:

"to save America and the only way to accomplish this was to get into the current political system and work towards running candidates who would have America's best interests in mind."

To enact change in the nation, you have to do it with votes through political process. SEES as a party ATO'd the 500 member Republican Party of Pizza the Hut and his Hungarian allies. SEES was also the only party to vote against leaving EDEN.

The setup in the political party is of an authoritarian nature. The President of SEES is selected by the Council of Elders. This top group of only a few guys does most of the work. Managing SEES is a big job. After the last Congressional elections where our googledocs with voting orders kept getting banned, they finally cracked. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

In another political party, when the leadership of a party gets burnt out, new people step in and continue the work of the party. The main SEES party alone has 600 members, with many more members in other parties around America and the world.

The SEES party is the national security party. That's why the handful of men at the Council of Elders are tasked with the important decisions. The problem here is the party setup. There is no democratic way to remove them, other than on orders of Emerick himself.

At the time of party elections, the Council of Elders would select the future President of the party amongst themselves. The party members then voted for the official candidate.

This upcoming party election will be much different however. There will be candidates for the Party Presidency, each with their own vision of future of the Specialized Elite Execution Squad.

Saving America through the political process is key, and here's why. Yesterday I had a conversation with with one of the leaders of another top 5 party. SEES was always my party, so I was interested in hearing about the purpose of his party. Here was something that I found particularly interesting:

"We don't dabble in foreign policy as a party. None do. SEES did I guess."

Remember what the SEES mission was?

"Political Impact: S.E.E.S. started with the goal to save America and the only way to accomplish this was to get into the current political system and work towards running candidates who would have America's best interests in mind."

This has convinced me that the work of the part of SEES that is the political party has to continue. I'm happy to hear that there will be candidates for the presidency of the party who have promised to make sure that the party known as SEES will survive, and its intent and mission will continue.


No fear DANTE is here 😉

Sincerely ,
Dante Alagherii, member of S.E.E.S.


My opinion today

http://i46.tinypic.com/w7gf9i.jpg" />
