Russo-Chinese Conflict

Day 919, 12:45 Published in USA USA by John Doll

Over the past few days, I have been doing what I normally do, mind-numbingly playing eRepublik because the outside world contains bears, whereas eRepublik does not. As I perused the different battles going on, checking their progress and what not, I noticed an underlying theme. Russia has attacked three different Chinese lands that I can remember off the top of my hea😛 Shandong, Hanan and Jilin. While it is true that Shandong and Hanan are technically American, they originally belonged to China. When I found this occurrence, I naturally had to look for a motive behind this ebullying (which is way more bad ass than the assemblies we have about cyber-bullying at school). I pondered this subject for a good couple minutes while my hot pockets were warming up and came to one single solitary conclusion: Russians hate Chinese food. I, for one, cannot possibly fathom a reason for this pork-fried contempt. Even if all the Russians are vegetarians, they can still order lo mein or white rice. I implore every Russian reading this to go to the nearest Chinese food establishment and purchase some take-out. I believe it will change your minds for the better.

Enjoy your large furry hats,
John Doll