Russia Attacks Washington State

Day 716, 14:12 Published in Canada Canada by Ace_Blazer

First of all, follow orders.

Ok so a lot of people here and on IRC are lamenting the fact that we've lost Alaska to the Russians. What I fail to see is how this is bad. For now Alaska is a border region being passed around between the Bros and Russia. We haven't built any infrastructure and there really hasn't been enough time for companies to set up shop. As far as I know it's still a very unstable region that can be traded at will.

Now that Russia has Alaska, the US can easily take it back with their load of MPPs. President Gaius Julius didn't press the attack button fast enough after the Canadian retreat so Russia has seen fit to dig themselves a deeper hole: activating even more MPPs including one with the bored Australians.

However the focus right now is Hungary and their attempt to annex neutral Slovakia. EDEN needs Slovakia for training wars but things aren't looking as good on this front as none of the major E/B countries (except Poland) are involved. Hopefully the new leaders of the E/B alliances can showcase some strategic cunning.