Running for Term #8

Day 669, 12:10 Published in USA USA by Tormod
(December Version): Sorry for using an old article, I don't have enough time this month to make a new article. Feel free to look through my newspaper about what I've done and what not.

I'm writing a short article because my computer decided to lose all information about my longer platform...

This month Im running in Michigan. This can possibility be my 6th term in congress. I'm hoping I can pull off another win in my 4th state.

What are my Qualifications?

-Former Congressman of Utah (3rd)
-Former California Congressman (1st)
-Former Budget Committee (2nd)
-Florida Congressman (1st)
-Former Chairman of FRAC (1st)
-FRAC (3rd)
-Director of White House Human Resources (Emerick/Gaius)
-Former Deputy Assistant to the President (HR)
-Director of Business and Finance in the AAP

I've been congressman in 3 states (Utah, Florida, California), served in the past 3 administrations, and have been an active voice in congress the past 5 terms.

Stances in a nutshell

Taxes: Need to stay as they are
Infrastructure: None should be placed until Russia is out
War: Congress can't do anything about it, just keep fighting
MPPs: I support all MPPs with our allies

Not much else I can say at this point except good luck to whoever runs against me, I hope I can win again. Vote Tormod for #8!

Once again I apologize for the short vague platform, my nice article was deleted when I tried to publish it.